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2005年3月举行的十届全国人大三次会议上,姜健等44位代表提出了关于制定法律援助法等议案,希望有关部门能够更加重视弱势群体平等享受国家法律成果问题,全国人大常委会将法律援助作为十项重点办理的建议之一。经过半年多的努力,司法部联合一些相关的国家机关制定了《关于刑事诉讼法律援助工作的规定》和《关于民事诉讼法律援助工作的规定》,并且规范了中央补助地方法律援助办案专款的管理,法律援助制度有了很大完善。中国法律援助制度渐成体系,给贫弱者提供了强有力的法律支持,有效地维护了他们在人身、财产等各方面的合法权益。2005年,有433965名困难群众得到法律援助,比2004年增长48%。 At the Third Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress held in March 2005, 44 representatives including Jiang Jian put forward the proposal on formulating the law aid law and hoped that the relevant departments will pay more attention to the issue of equal enjoyment of the achievements of state law by the vulnerable groups. The NPC Standing Committee will Legal aid is one of the ten key recommendations. After more than six months of hard work, the Ministry of Justice and some relevant state agencies formulated the Provisions on Legal Aid in Criminal Proceedings and the Regulations on Legal Aid in Civil Litigation, and standardized the management of local legal aid cases funded by the central government The legal aid system has been greatly improved. China’s legal aid system has gradually become a system that has provided strong legal support to the underprivileged and effectively protected their legitimate rights and interests in personal and property matters. In 2005, 433965 people in difficulty received legal aid, an increase of 48% over 2004.
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公共利益处于无人救济或救济不能的尴尬境地,已经越来越成为影响构建和谐社会的重要因素。 Public interest is in an awkward situation where no one can provide relief
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