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国内高速公路边坡生态建设已经历了10多年的发展历程,但对边坡植被恢复效果及群落演替动态的调查和研究仍显不足,这在一定程度上妨碍了边坡生态恢复技术的改进与创新。文中选择地处黄土高原的陕西省西安~禹门口高速公路合阳段一处公路边坡的植被恢复作为研究案例,经过8年时间的定点调查观测,获取了阴、阳两个坡面上的植被和土壤数据,从覆盖度、物种多样性、群落结构等方面对公路边坡植被恢复效果进行了分析,初步厘清了黄土高原公路边坡植物群落初期演替特点,指出了降水量、土壤硬度和植被建植技术为影响演替的主要限制因子,并据此对公路边坡植被恢复技术改进提出了相关建议。 The ecological construction of the domestic highway slopes has experienced more than 10 years of development, but the investigation and research on the effects of vegetation restoration and succession on the slope are still inadequate, which to some extent hindered the improvement of slope ecological restoration technologies And innovation. In this paper, vegetation restoration of a highway slope in the section of Heyang Section of Xi’an-Yumenkou Expressway in Shaanxi Province is selected as a case study. After eight years of fixed-point survey and observation, Vegetation and soil data were used to analyze the effect of vegetation restoration on highway slope from aspects of coverage, species diversity and community structure. The initial succession characteristics of vegetation on slope were first clarified, and the effects of precipitation, soil hardness And vegetation planting techniques are the main limiting factors that affect succession. Based on this, some suggestions are put forward to improve the technology of vegetation restoration on highway slope.
从铲斗容量计算过程入手,推导出直线侧刃切削刃凸出和背板凸出型装载机铲斗额定容量与铲斗设计参数之间的函数关系,直接由铲斗额定容量设计出斗形合理,性能良好的铲斗。 Starti
We acknowledge our sincere thanks to our reviewers.Many reviewers have contributed their expertise and time to the peer review,a critical process to ensure the
.氢可到乙司〕司甸闪习司司门同]回门固门回二侧川川蒯酬4J}甲引湮.,. -L.~舀4)恤.‘L~L1l可1厅口「l1l三I口可断旦哥乙lessel1可司刁牙.「夏一-,妞丁〕l.!·:!闹引].一.IIl
有天下午,吉芝阿妈骑着她的五羊摩托到镇上加油。由于没有驾驶证不敢到街上瞎晃,车子只能停在加油站上方的公路边,她扯了几把干草盖着,生怕太阳把车子晒坏。  其实她很想将车子骑到镇上。  她六十五岁了。是个老年骑手。山区像她这种年纪学车的,不多。  她为什么六十五岁了还要当骑手,这件事得从她的儿子们说起。  她的大儿子菜饼先生三十多岁车祸身亡,人们怕她伤心,将这个丧子的消息一直隐瞒。菜饼先生的骨灰放在草
机动车驾驶员的眼睛整天高度紧张地盯住道路前方,容易产生视力疲劳综合症。人们常说要爱护自己的眼睛,具有一双明亮而健康的眼睛对机动车驾驶员是何等的重要。 戒除吸烟恶习