来源 :Science in China,Ser.B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SBRBWD0801
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We have examined the arrangements of the thick and thin filaments of the smooth mus-cle of the adductor of the bivalve Cristaria plicata, Leach, in the catch state induced byacetylcholine, both in ultrathin sections and in separate filaments. The thick filaments areheavily bent and entangled and the thin filaments irregularly arranged. One thin filamentmay be attached to several thick filaments. When the muscle is in the relaxed state, the twokinds of filaments are seen to be in Parallel. However, no difference could be observed in theperiodic strusture of the paramyosin core of the thick filaments in the relaxed state or in catch.Both cross-striated and checkerboard types coexist. It seems that phase transition is not di-rectly related to catch. We propose that the disordered arrangements of the thick and thinfilaments and the formation of three-dimensional anastomosed networks are the structural basisfor catch, with a consequent loss of the capability of directional sliding of the filaments andrequiri We have examined the arrangements of the thick and thin filaments of the smooth mus-cle of the adductor of the bivalve Cristaria plicata, Leach, in the catch state induced by acetylcholine, both in ultrathin sections and in separate filaments. The thick filaments are heavily bent and entangled and the thin filaments irregularly arranged. When be attached to several thick filaments. When the muscle is in the relaxed state, the twokinds of filaments are seen to be in parallel. However, no difference could be observed in theperiodic strusture of the paramyosin core of the thick filaments in the relaxed state or in catch. Both cross-striated and checkerboard types coexist. It seems that phase transition is not di-rectly related to catch. We propose that the disordered arrangements of the thick and thin films and the formation of three-dimensional anastomosed networks are the structural basis for catch, with a consequent loss of the capability of directional sliding of the fi laments andrequiri
信息 作为现代化科学技术普遍使用的一个概念,目前尚无统一定义。按系统论观点,“信息”是传输和处理的对象,它载荷于数据、信号等消息之中,它和物质、能量一样被看成是构成
deppw A人会卞席团 A人会会场_—、.挑鹅回回辅巨。- ’rs’?-- , ww。-回回圃睡翻晔鞘龌圈圃廖王 圈氮_——毯陶_孙 元__