
来源 :江苏医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:otaku2456
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神经纤维瘤病为家族性疾病。一般多在出生时发生,小儿时发病,青春后期加重,而年龄愈大病症愈重。神经纤维瘤来源于不成熟的神经鞘细胞,肿瘤为多发性,局限于皮下,无包膜。发生于乳房内巨大神经纤维瘤则罕见。患者,女,51岁,因右侧乳房进行性肿大二十余年,破溃十余年入院。患者自述出生后发现右侧乳房没有乳头,18岁时,该乳房变平,缺乏弹性,无包块,左侧乳房饱满。26岁分娩后,右侧乳房逐渐增大,但无乳汁分泌,全身出现大小不等的结节。40岁分娩以后,右侧乳房增大达小儿头大小,局部破溃流脓,有臭味,创面经过治疗后,愈合。但又反复发作。最近一年,患侧乳房生长较速,全身乏力,消瘦,走路时心慌, Neurofibromatosis is a familial disease. It usually occurs at birth, when it develops in children, it becomes more severe later in life, and the older the illness, the heavier the disease. Neurofibromas are derived from immature ensheathing cells, with multiple tumors, subcutaneous and no capsules. Occurrence of giant neurofibromas in the breast is rare. The patient, female, 51 years old, had suffered a progressive enlargement of the right breast for more than 20 years and was hospitalized for more than 10 years. After the patient reported to be born, he found that there was no nipple in the right breast. At the age of 18, the breast was flattened, lacking elasticity, no mass, and the left breast was full. After delivery at the age of 26, the right breast was gradually enlarged but no milk was secreted and nodules of various sizes appeared throughout the body. After the 40-year-old childbirth, the right breast enlargement reaches the size of the head of the child, which partially ruptures the pus and has an odor. The wound is healed after treatment. However, it recurred. In the most recent year, the ipsilateral breasts have developed rapidly, the body is weak, weight loss, and palpitation when walking.
对 B-16黑色素瘤在体内致敏的异种淋巴细胞和 B-16肿瘤细胞一起在体外培养,将其上清与带有 B-16肿瘤的 G57BL/6小鼠的巨噬细胞在体外培养,经培养的巨噬细胞静脉注入接种过 B
本文报导卡介苗与环磷酰胺对小鼠Moloney 肉瘤生长的作用。BALB/G 小鼠接种 Moloney 肉瘤病毒(MSV),一般于第13天肉瘤生长达最大体积,以后开始自行消退。以环磷酰胺(GY)腹腔
甲胎蛋白(AlPha Feto Protein简称AFP)是胚胎专一性蛋白,放射性自显影术证明:人胚肝组织可将~(14)C-氨基酸活跃地掺入甲胎蛋白。免疫荧光定位证明:它是由肝实质细胞及卵黄囊
著者对胃癌术前放疗33例(3例未切除)及单纯手术268例进行对比。术前照射用直线加速器6Mev X 线及钴~(60)γ线,肿瘤总量为2,000~8,000拉得,以单纯分割或间歇大量照射法照射。
近7年来 MOPP[强地松、甲基苄肼(氨甲喋呤)、长春新碱、氮芥]联合化疗成为何杰金氏病的标准疗法,作者在1967~1971年间获得完全缓解率约50%,其中半数以上在15个月内复发。本组