基本思路 本课内容是学习制作纸牵牛花,目的是培养学生参与劳动的积极性,并在劳动过程中充分发挥学生的自主性、创造性及同学的协作精神。本节课是进行研究性学习的探索,重在学生的自主探究,并能在此基础上进行制作、创新。考虑让学生自主分解样品,进行以学习小组为单位的研究性学习,主动探究相关内容,了解材料和制作方法,然后在教师简单的点拨引导后进行小组合作的实践操作与创新。
The basic idea This course is to learn to make paper morning glory, the purpose is to cultivate students' enthusiasm to participate in the work, and give full play to students' autonomy, creativity and classmates' cooperation in the process of work. This lesson is to explore the study of learning, focusing on student self-exploration, and on the basis of production, innovation. Consider allowing students to disassemble their samples autonomously, carrying out research-based learning as a learning group, proactively exploring relevant content, understanding materials and methods of production, and then conducting hands-on team-work practices and innovations with a simple instructor-led approach.