
来源 :汽车维护与修理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuzx5858
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道路运输车辆强制二级维护(简称‘二级维护”)是交通部为确保道路运输安全与环保所推行的一项制度。通过二级维护能及时发现和消除车辆故障和隐患,保持车容整洁和车辆技术状况完好,这对于贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于安全生产有关规定的精神,维护道路运输市场秩序,保护车主的合法权益,切实保证人民生命财产安全,具有十分重要的意义。因此,研究探索贯彻执行道路运输车辆强制二级维护制度的有效措施和方法非常必要。郑州市机动车修配管理处在推行二级维护制度中,实施了二级维护企业优选。经过近两年的实践,证明这是一套科学、有效的方式。1 二级维护企业优选的概念二级维护企业优选(通常所说的二级维护企业定点)是指在二类以上汽车维修企业中,按照管理部门事先制定的相关条件,经过自愿报名、资质审查、专家综合评审和通告等环节,从中筛 The compulsory secondary maintenance of road transport vehicles (referred to as ’secondary maintenance’) is a system implemented by the Ministry of Transportation to ensure the safety and environmental protection of road transport. Through secondary maintenance, vehicle faults and hidden dangers can be found and eliminated in time to keep the vehicle clean and tidy And the technical condition of the vehicle are intact, which is of great significance for implementing the spirit of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the relevant provisions on work safety, safeguarding the order of the road transport market, protecting the lawful rights and interests of owners and earnestly ensuring the safety of people’s lives and property. Therefore, It is necessary to explore and implement effective measures and methods to enforce the secondary maintenance system of road transport vehicles.Zhengzhou Motor Vehicle Maintenance Management Office implemented the secondary maintenance enterprise optimization in the implementation of secondary maintenance system.After nearly two years of practice, This is a scientific and effective way.1 The second level maintenance enterprise preferred concept The second level maintenance enterprise optimization (commonly referred to as the second-level maintenance enterprise fixed point) refers to two or more types of vehicle maintenance enterprises, in accordance with the management department to develop The relevant conditions, after voluntary registration, qualification examination, expert comprehensive assessment and notification and other links, Sieve
本文介绍了一台用于实时信号处理与控制系统中的可编程序的小型数组处理机(AP)SZJ-1的系统结构。该机于1975年开始设计,已通过考核,移交用户使用。原设计处理1024点 FFT 的时
沿历史长河回溯 ,迎面走来文治武功的宋太祖 ,正为南宋小朝廷偏安一隅 ,“山外青山楼外楼 ,西湖歌舞几时休”的腐败而老泪纵横 ;接着是勇武骠悍的努尔哈赤 ,眼见“三年清知府