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3月19日下午.由中国最强势的房地产专业杂志《安家》杂志社、北京工商联住宅房地产商会、《证券日报·资本地产》和搜狐焦点网联袂推出的“行动3·15——做最具责任感开发商”高峰论坛隆重召开。来自政府部门的专家和北京地产界的知名开发商出席了此次活动.并做了精彩发言。在此次论坛还郑重发布了“2005年北京最具责任感的开发商”名单。2004年的9月16号至2005年的3月15号整整半年,《安家》杂志联合搜狐网.焦点房地产网进行了大型的网上调查.从三百多家房地产公司中.经权威专家的评定,共评出八家开发商为“2005年北京最具责任感的开发商”。分别是万科地产、鹏润地产、达义北方置业公司、天恒拓展、高盛地产、世豪集团、新奥地产、达义兴业地产公司等。 March 19 afternoon by China’s most powerful real estate magazine “Anyjia” magazine, Beijing Federation of Housing Industry Real Estate Chamber of Commerce, “Securities Daily · Capital Land” and Sohu focus network jointly launched “Action 3.15 - do Most Responsible Developer ”Summit was held grandly. Experts from government departments and well-known developers in Beijing’s real estate industry attended the event and made wonderful speeches. In this forum also solemnly released “2005 Beijing’s most responsible developers ” list. In the six months from September 16, 2004 to March 15, 2005, “Anyjia” magazine cooperated with Sohu.com, focusing on real estate network conducted a large-scale online survey from more than 300 real estate companies. , A total of eight developers named “2005 Beijing’s most responsible developers.” Respectively, Vanke Real Estate, Eagle Real Estate, up to the north home buyers, Tianheng expansion, Goldman Sachs real estate, the World Group, the Austrian real estate, real estate companies, such as Tatsu.
I. MOEAs for MOPs With Irregular PFsrnIn this section, we are going to provide an overview of existing MOEAs dedicated to solving MOPs with irregular PFs. Here,
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