
来源 :云南行政学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong591
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顺应人民群众对知政、议政和参政的民主权利的呼唤,以掌管人、财、物的实权部门及以与群众直接打交道的公共管理机构和具有行政管理职能的公共服务行业和窗口单位为重点的政务公开活动已在全国各地蓬勃开展起来了,政府上网这种政务公开的新形式应运而生。所谓政府上网,即是在计算机国际互联网络上建立一个虚拟政府、电子政府,履行现实中的绝大多数政府职能,让人们足不出户就可方便地完成与政府打交道的过程。本文主要讨论了政府上网给推行政务公开带来的若干好处:第一,发挥了政府的信息资源优势,扩大了政府的信息共享范围;第二,便利了群众办事,降低了社会总成本;第三,削弱了行政权力意识,遏制了腐败现象的产生。同时,本文还简要指出了政府上网目前存在的不足之处,并介绍了少量基本的上网知识。 Conform to the call of the people for the democratic rights of conscientious, political and political participation, with a focus on the real power of the people, financial and material sectors, public administrations directly dealing with the masses and public service industries and window units with administrative functions Of the government open activities have been vigorously carried out in all parts of the country, the government access to the Internet this new form of government affairs came into being. The so-called government access to the Internet means establishing a virtual government or an e-government on the Internet of computers and fulfilling most of the government functions in reality so that people can easily complete the process of dealing with the government without leaving home. This article mainly discusses several benefits brought by government Internet access to the implementation of government affairs: First, giving play to the advantages of government information resources and expanding the government’s scope of information sharing; second, facilitating the work of the masses and reducing the total social costs; Third, weaken the awareness of administrative power and curb corruption. At the same time, this article also briefly pointed out the existing shortcomings of the government online, and introduced a small amount of basic knowledge of the Internet.
1.CPU 的功能(1)CPU 和存贮器将用 CPU(Central Processing Unit:中央处理机)可以进行算术运算和逻辑运算等指令,按着处理问题的顺序排列起来的指令序列,叫做程序。存放程序
通过野外调查和室内分析,对古浪引黄灌区土壤盐分含量、土壤盐分组成以及盐分的分布和运动规律进行了研究,对土壤盐渍化倾向进行了论证,并且提出了防止土壤盐渍化的措施。 F
据试验,播种时若用磁处理水灌溉后,与使用普通水的相比,10日后即可呈现出2~3倍的生长效果。 According to the experiment, if the magnetic irrigation when sowing, compa
本章的目的是: 1 介绍I/O程序设计、中断和异步计算的概念。 2 介绍在实现操作系统时必须理解的基本的计算机结构。 3 介绍在下面各章的许多例子中将要用到的IBM 370系统。
Eight compounds were isolated from the fermentation cultures of r ice sheath blight pathogen Rhizoctonia solani Kühn. They were identified as er gosterol(1), 6
占据国内电脑刺绣机控制系统70%—80%市场份额的兴大豪认为,“把对手控制在有限的市场份额内对自己是一种有效的激励” Hing Tai Ho, which occupies 70% -80% of the domesti