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乌翅麦茎蜂(Cephus sp.)是兰州市小麦生产上一种新发生的害虫。经过几年试验观察,基本搞清了它的发生规律,初步找到了比较有效的防治措施。 一、生活史与习性 乌翅麦茎蜂在兰州地区每年发生一代。7月以老熟幼虫在小麦根茬中造薄茧越冬。翌年4月下旬开始化蛹,5月上旬进入盛期,5月中旬为化蛹末期。成虫羽化自5月中旬开始,5月下旬达盛期,羽化期长约20天。成虫飞翔能 Cephus sp. Is a newly emerging pest on wheat production in Lanzhou. After several years of experimental observation, basically found out the law of its occurrence, initially found a more effective prevention and control measures. First, the life history and habits Wushanense stem bees in Lanzhou area occurs a generation each year. July to mature larvae in wheat stubble making cocoon wintering. The following year in early April began to pupate, early May into the peak, mid-May pupation end. Adult emergence from mid-May, mid-May reached the peak, emergence period of about 20 days. Adult can fly
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光肩星天牛严重为害杨、柳、榆等速生树种。由幼虫蛀入村干木质部,穿食隧道,破坏枝干,影响林木生长,且易造成风折,是杨、柳等林木的毁灭性害虫。 我场南大寺林区,三千余亩杨