
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wankunbaobao
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Background: Low serum testosterone is associated with several cardiovas cular r isk factors including dyslipidaemia, adverse clotting profiles, obesity, and ins ulin resistance. Testosterone has been reported to improve symptoms of angina an d delay time to ischaemic threshold in unselected men with coronary disease. Obj ective: This randomised single blind placebo controlled crossover study compar ed testosterone replacement therapy (Sustanon 100) with placebo in 10 men with isc haemic heart disease and hypogonadism. Results: Baseline total testosterone and bioavailable testosterone were respectively 4.2 (0.5) nmol/l and 1.7 (0.4) nmol/ l. After a month of testosterone, delta value analysis between testosterone and placebo phase showed that mean (SD) trough testosterone concentrations increased significantly by 4.8 (6.6) nmol/l (total testosterone) (p=0.05) and 3.8 (4.5) n mol/l (bioavailable testosterone) (p=0.025), time to 1 mm ST segment depression assessed by Bruce protocol exercise treadmill testing increased by 74 (54) secon ds (p=0.002), and mood scores assessed with validated questionnaires all improve d. Compared with placebo, testosterone therapy was also associated with a signif icant reduction of total cholesterol and serum tumour necrosis factor αwith del ta values of -0.41 (0.54) mmol/l (p=0.04) and -1.8 (2.4) pg/ml (p=0.05) respec tively. Conclusion: Testosterone replacement therapy in hypogonadal men delays t ime to ischaemia, improves mood, and is associated with potentially beneficial r eductions of total cholesterol and serum tumour necrosis factor α. Background: Low serum testosterone is associated with several cardiovas cular r isk factors including dyslipidaemia, adverse clotting profiles, obesity, and ins ulin resistance. Testosterone has been reported to improve symptoms of angina an d delay time to ischaemic threshold in unselected men with coronary disease Obj ective: This randomized single blind placebo controlled crossover study compar ed testosterone replacement therapy (Sustanon 100) with placebo in 10 men with ise haemic heart disease and hypogonadism. Results: Baseline total testosterone and bioavailable testosterone were respectively 4.2 (0.5) nmol / l and 1.7 (0.4) nmol / l After a month of testosterone, delta value analysis between testosterone and placebo phase showed that mean (SD) trough testosterone concentrations increased significantly by 4.8 (6.6) nmol / l total testosterone 0.05) and 3.8 (4.5) n mol / l (bioavailable testosterone) (p = 0.025), time to 1 mm ST segment depression assessed by Bruce protocol exerci se treadmill testing increased by 74 (54) secon ds (p = 0.002), and mood scores assessed with validated questionnaires all improve d. Compared with placebo, testosterone therapy was also associated with a signif icant reduction of total cholesterol and serum tumor necrosis factor αwith del ta values ​​of -0.41 (0.54) mmol / l (p = 0.04) and -1.8 (2.4) pg / ml (p = 0.05) respecively. Conclusion: Testosterone replacement therapy in hypogonadal men delays t ime to ischaemia, improves mood, and is associated with potentially beneficial r eductions of total cholesterol and serum tumor necrosis factor α.
南京:秦淮河  “烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮近酒家。商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。”有多少人是通过杜牧的诗和朱自清的《桨声灯影里的秦淮河》知道秦淮河的?总之,这条河留下过太多的诗词和歌声。十里秦淮,也被认为是中国第一历史文化名河。  近代以来,由于陆路交通的发达,水运开始日渐衰落,对秦淮河的依赖开始减小,加之城市规模的扩大和河道污染,秦淮河不复当年景象。  1950~2005年间,秦淮河前后经历了
摘 要:李仪祉是我国第一位利用现代化的手段来治水的水利学专家,在我国的水利史上有着不可磨灭的功绩,直接影响了我国水利现代化的时代进程。作为著名的水利学家,李仪祉先后对黄河流域、江淮地区等地的水利工程提出了科学的治理建议,并针对太湖流域以及浙江海塘地区的水利问题发表了意见,建树颇丰。本文主要从“导淮”与“治江”两个方面出发,结合李仪祉的相关作品,分析了其对我国江淮水利建设做出的伟大贡献。  关键词:
迷宫术是手术治疗房颤的标准方法,它的长期治愈率超过90%.但由于手术的复杂性和术后严重并发症等原因,其应用受到很大限制. 方法选用6只Hanford小种猪,体重40~50kg,术前行磁共
Background: To determine whether local complications at the site of pacemaker implantation indicate infection of the intravascular part of the lead as well as o