一个中国年轻人在海外的酸甜苦辣:临时工作(一) 天降甘露,到马赛去旅游

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作者良晨(Oliner Liang),从国内70年代末少年得志的本科生到80年代中春风得意的研究生,从趾高气杨的公费留学生到穷愁潦倒、失魂落魄的超龄自费留学生,从国内风华正茂的大学教师到中央机关官员,从国外录下层的临时清洁工、看门人、男保姆、厨师、跑堂、搬运工、上门推铸员到跨国公司的白领,良晨从乌托邦的天堂跌进烈火熊熊的炼狱,再从炼狱挣扎着爬回地面。在海外十多年风风雨雨的岁月里,他摸爬滚打,历经磨难.执尝了爱情的创佑、走生的重压、打工的艰辛、学习的迷惘、职业和国璐选择的进退维谷、心理失衡的痛苦。尽管他早已逃出第二次“流”洋的漫长黑夜,尽管他瑕终就职于一家跨国公司并拥有一个幸福的跨国婚姻家庭,但他对故土的眷恋仍“剪不断,理还乱”。离开了养育过自己的故乡,离开了中国文化的土壤,他上不沾天,下不着地,恰似水上浮萍,无根无基,随风漂移。作为新一代的海外华人和业余写作爱好者,良晨乐意与广大《英语沙龙》的读者分享其在海外生活中听品味到的酸甜苦辣. Oliner Liang, an undergraduate from the late 1970s to a successful middle school student in the mid-1980s, graduated from a publicly-funded international student to an overwhelmed and overdue self-financed self-financed student. University teachers went to the central government officials and recorded the lower-level temporary cleaners, gatekeepers, male nannies, cooks, chases, porters, and home builders to the white-collar workers of multinational corporations. The morning fell from the heaven of Utopia to the raging fire. Purgatory, then struggling from the purgatory to climb back to the ground. In the over a decade of troubles overseas, he fought and fought and suffered hardships. He took a taste of the love of love, the pressure of his life, the hardships of his work, the confusion of his studies, and the dilemma of his choice of profession and country. The pain of psychological imbalance. Although he had already escaped the long dark night of the second “flowing” ocean, although he eventually worked for a multinational company and had a happy multinational marriage and family, his attachment to his native land still remained uninterrupted. Indiscriminately." Having left the hometown of raising his own, leaving the soil of Chinese culture, he did not touch the sky, and could not reach the ground. It was like floating duckweed, rootless, and drifting with the wind. As a new generation of overseas Chinese and amateur writing enthusiasts, Liang Chen is willing to share the sweet and sour taste of overseas tastes with the readers of the “English Salon”.
“as it is”是一种习惯用法,我们进行阅读和翻译时,常常碰到这种句式。下面本文通过几个具体的例句来分析一下此句式及其变形体的用法与含义。 1.Since we cannot find a m