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作为菲利普斯所有作品中最知名的一部,《渡河》不仅仅让他两次入选布莱克纪念奖,还对流散问题的探讨最为深刻,几乎囊括了菲利普斯所有流散思想的核心内容,分别是错位主题、混杂本质和超越期盼。错位是卡里尔·菲利普斯生存常态的真实写照,也是他的作品中常见的主题。从第一部小说《最后的通道》开始,菲利普斯就不断的关注流散视阈中的“错位”。而在“错位”主题的基础上,菲利普斯流散思想的本质是提倡一种独特的混杂流散观念,不计种族、民族和性别的差异,将处于流散中的所有群族考虑在内,这是一种开放的、流动的反本质主义的流散思想。而菲利普斯呼吁的是一种能够超越种族、民族和性别差异的流散观念。 As one of Phillips’s best-known works, “Crossing the River” not only allowed him to be selected twice for the Black Memorial Award, but also explored the issue of dispersal in the most profound way, covering almost all the core elements of Phillips’ Theme, mixed nature and beyond expectations. Dislocation is a true portrayal of the normal life of Karil Phillips and is also a common theme in his work. Beginning with the first novel The Last Passage, Phillips continued to focus on the “Dislocation” in the Dispersal Perspective. On the basis of the theme of “Dislocation”, the essence of Phillips’s idea of ​​disintegration is to advocate a unique concept of mixed dispersal, taking into account the differences among races, ethnicities and genders, taking into account all the groups in the diaspora, which It is an open, fluid, anti-essentialist idea of ​​dispersal. And Phillips called for a concept of dispersal that transcends racial, ethnic and gender differences.
中国再出发。济南再出发。  十八届三中全会胜利闭幕,为全面深化改革描画出清晰的路线图。习近平总书记11月28日视察山东时的重要讲话,对深入学习领会和贯彻落实十八届三中全