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从新疆塔克拉玛干大沙漠边缘30多万公顷的胡杨林,横经青海、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙,直至东北西缘,并包括辽西、山东、河北、山西、陕西这一广阔地区的杨柳林带,近年来严重发生杨盾蚧为害,为害总面积估计至少在2,000万亩以上。据新疆八一农学院报道:新疆约有杨树1,000万亩,被害株率高达80%,特别是靠近城市的绿化林带和护田林带,几乎100%植株被害,在北疆石河子地区成片杨林因此惨遭毁伐。青海、宁夏、甘肃、内蒙被害更为产重,仅以呼和浩特市为例,该市被害面积达4万多亩。据东北林学院1978年报道:黑龙江西部的望奎、 More than 300,000 hectares of Populus euphratica from the edge of the Taklamakan Desert in Xinjiang cross the Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia provinces up to the northeastern western margin and include the poplar zone in western Liaoning, Shandong, Hebei, Shanxi and Shaanxi. In recent years, Occurrence of yangdun Kuwana, the total area of ​​damage estimated at least more than 2,000 mu. According to a report by Xinjiang Bayi Agronomy College, about 10 million mu of poplar trees have been found in Xinjiang, with 80% of them killed. In particular, almost 100% of the plants are killed in greenbelts and nursery belt near the city. In the Shihezi area of ​​northern Xinjiang, Therefore, miserable forest destruction. In Qinghai, Ningxia, Gansu and Inner Mongolia, the victims were even more seriously wounded. Taking Hohhot alone as an example, the city harms an area of ​​over 40,000 mu. According to the Northeast Forestry University in 1978 reported: Wang Kui in western Heilongjiang,
细辛核盘菌,Sclerotinia asari Wuet C.R.waug,是核盘菌属的一个新种。它能为害细辛的根、茎、叶、果等各个部分发生毁灭性的菌核疫病。它的主要寄主是细辛;其形态特征、生物
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现在换了个大鱼池,我充其量就在鱼池一角有一席之地,比我大的鱼太多了,就是藏着龙也未知呢。谁知道我原来的决定是对是错呢? 我读研究生时认识了小双。算起来有七年了。那次
油茶象鼻虫(Curculio chinesis Chevrolat)是我州油茶产区的主要害虫之一,除危害油茶子外,还危害茶子,幼虫在果实内取食.成虫补充营养时,也吸食果汁.油茶果被害后,常造成大