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从孟加拉国Dinajpur地区采集了不同农林复合区内树种和作物种,对采集植物的丛枝菌根多样性进行了研究。在3个取样地采集了18种植物的根和根际土,取样地和被采取植物分别为:取样地Dashmail为黄豆树(Albizia procera Benth.)、小指椒(Capsicum frutescens L)、姜黄(Curcuma domestica Vahl)、印度黄檀(Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.)和大叶桃花心木(Swietenia macro-phylla)_5种植物;取样地Kantaji为姜黄(C.domestica)、印度檀(D.sissoo)、赤桉(Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnn.)、石梓(Gmelina arborea(Roxb)DC)和水稻(Oryza sativa L.)5种植物;取样地Ramsagar为姜黄(C.domestica),印度檀(D.sissoo),Litchi chinensis Sonn.和水稻。在取样地Dashmail,植物丛枝的分布范围在36%-79%,其中分布最高的是小指椒,达到79%,而C.domestica仅占36%。取样地Kantaji丛枝的分布范围在33%-70%之间,其中分布最高的是石梓,达到79%,而O.sativa分布最低,仅36%。取样地Ramsagar丛枝的分布范围在35%-70%之间,印度檀丛枝分布在该地最高,达70%,而水稻丛枝在该地的分布最小,仅35%。在采样地Dashmail,每100克干土中所含采样植物丛枝菌根孢子群落54-140个;孢子群落最多的是印度檀(140/100g dry soil),最低的是姜黄(C.domestica)(40/100g dry soil)。在采样地Kantaji,孢子群落在63-221/100g dry soil,石梓具有的群落最高,为221/100g dry soil;印度檀为63/100g dry soil。在采样地Ramsagar,所具有的最高和最低群落分别是160/100g dry soil(D.sissoo)和69/100g dry soil(L.chinensis)。土壤pH值与土壤中丛枝分布和菌根孢子群落无显著相关性。Simpson多样性指数和Shannon多样性指数在取样地Kantaji的印度檀土壤中最高;而在取样地Ramsagar的水稻土壤中最低。研究表明孟加拉国Dinajpur地区丛枝菌根的存在、树种和作物种中的营养性质、丛枝菌根的必要性和贡献以及复合农林植物生长与丛枝菌之间的依赖关系。图6表6参24。 The species and species of crops in different agroforestry zones were collected from Dinajpur area in Bangladesh and the arbuscular mycorrhizae diversity of the collected plants was studied. The root and rhizosphere soil of 18 species of plants were collected at 3 sampling sites. The sampling sites and the plants taken were as follows: Dashmail was sampled from Albizia procera Benth., Capsicum frutescens L., Curcuma domestica Vahl, Dalbergia sissoo Roxb., and Swietenia macro-phylla-5 species. The sampling sites Kantaji were C. domestica, D.sissoo, (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnn.), Gmelina arborea (Roxb) DC and rice (Oryza sativa L.). The sampling sites Ramsagar were C. domestica, D.sissoo, Litchi chinensis Sonn. And rice. In Dashmail, the distribution range of plants was 36% -79%. The highest distribution was Pinotrope, reaching 79%, while only 36% of C. domestica. The distribution of Kantaji branches in the sampling area ranged from 33% to 70%. Among them, Shizi was the highest distribution, reaching 79% while the lowest was O. sava, only 36%. The distribution of Ramsagar branches in the sampling area ranged from 35% to 70%, and the highest was up to 70% in this area, while the shrubs in the area distributed the least, only 35%. In Dashmail sampling site, there were 54-140 arbuscular mycorrhizal spore communities per 100 grams of dry soil; the most spore communities were 140 / 100g dry soil, the lowest was C. domestica (40 / 100g dry soil). In Kantaji, the spore community was in the range of 63-221 / 100g dry soil, with the highest in the community of 221.100 g dry soil and 63/100 g dry soil. Ramsagar at the sampling site had the highest and lowest communities of 160 / 100g dry soil (D.sissoo) and 69 / 100g dry soil (L. chinensis), respectively. There was no significant correlation between soil pH value and the distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal spore communities in soil. The Simpson diversity index and Shannon diversity index were the highest among Indian sand soil of Kantaji in the sampling area, but the lowest among the rice soil of Ramsagar in sampling area. Studies have shown the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizae in the Dinajpur region of Bangladesh, the nutritional properties of tree species and crop species, the necessity and contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization, and the dependence of the growth of the agroforestry plant on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Figure 6 Table 6 Reference 24.
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下午的牧场 那么安静  奶牛们去山脚散步  牧童在草垛里打呼噜  孤零零的大樟树  只好独自站在阳光里  看影子在风中跳舞
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阿姨驾车带我去参观曹家桥蔬菜示范区。  我们的车行驶在蔬菜区中间的水泥大道上。透过车窗一眼望去,到处是白色的大棚,感觉像白云从天而降。  我留意阿姨汽车上的仪表盘,整整开了3.5千米。阿姨告诉我:“这个蔬菜区足足有1.6万亩。”蔬菜区真大呀!  我们下了车,走进番茄大棚。整个大棚有学校的操场那么大,番茄树上挂满了果实。菜农正在采摘装箱。他们同意我们摘几个番茄尝尝。我摘了几个,美滋滋地放在口袋里。好