Study on Flavonoids in the Caryopsis of Indica Rice Rdh

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ltxiong
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To detect if there are phenolic flavonoids such as proanthocyanidins in Rdh, histochemistry assay toluidine blue O (TBO) staining and vanillin tests were performed. Rdh caryopsis transverse sections were stained by metachromatic stain TBO. It showed that there were a great deal of polyphenols in the pericarp and seed-coat tissues, and a little of them was in the cell wall of aleurone layers. The ovaries of Rdh and colorless rice were dealt with vanillin. It showed that all fertilized ovaries of Rdh were bright red regardless what degree the caryopsis maturity was, and all the ovaries of it before fertilization were not red after vanillin treatment. It suggested that every Rdh caryopsis had proanthocyanidins or its precursors, and fertilization was the premise of proanthocyanidins or its precursor synthesis. But colorless rice could not accumulate proanthocyanidins or its precursors. The pericarp, seed-coat and aleurone layer tissues of Rdh and colorless rice were anatomized and were dealt with vanillin. It was showed that three layers of Rdh were all bright red after treatment, revealing that they all had proanthocyanidins or its precursors, but colorless rice could not. It was suggested that polymerized proanthocyanindins were synthesized and accumulated in the pericarp of Rdh, and monomer-proanthocyanidins or leucoanthocyanidins were synthesized and accumulated in the seed-coat and the aleurone layer tissues. To detect if there are phenolic flavonoids such as proanthocyanidins in Rdh, histochemistry assay toluidine blue O (TBO) staining and vanillin tests were performed. Rdh caryopsis transverse sections were stained by metachromatic stain TBO. It showed that there were a great deal of polyphenols in the pericarp and seed-coat tissues, and a little of them was in the cell wall of aleurone layers. The ovaries of Rdh and colorless rice were dealt with vanillin. It showed that all fertilized ovaries of Rdh were bright red regardless what degree the caryopsis maturity was, and all the ovaries of it before fertilization were not red after vanillin treatment. It suggested that every Rdh caryopsis had proanthocyanidins or its precursors, and and fertilization was the premise of proanthocyanidins or its precursor synthesis. But colorless rice could not accumulate proanthocyanidins or its precursors. The pericarp, seed-coat and aleurone layer tissues of Rdh and colorless rice were anatomized and were de It was showed that the three layers of Rdh were all bright red after treatment, revealing that they all had proanthocyanidins or its precursors, but colorless rice could not. It was suggested that polymerized proanthocyanindins were synthesized and accumulated in the pericarp of Rdh , and monomer-proanthocyanidins or leucoanthocyanidins were synthesized and accumulated in the seed-coat and the aleurone layer tissues.
摘 要:《古舟子咏》是英国著名的浪漫主义诗人柯勒律治最著名的长诗之一,纵观之前的许多作品从生态视域,创伤原理,自然回归,哥特式风格等方面解读该著作,其中不乏对老水手的原罪的挖掘,但对于诗中其他水手的罪与罚却鲜有阐发,本文将结合柯氏的自然观与浪漫主义的历史语境,从罪与罚的角度深度阐述《古舟子咏》中体现出的柯氏对人类社会道德观的悲叹。  关键词:《古舟子咏》;罪与罚;浪漫主义;道德观  作者简介:陶冶