
来源 :都市文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yingchali
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随着基层社会治理的推动,社会组织深入发展,社区基金会应运而生并且在深圳、上海等经济相对发达地区呈现出蓬勃发展之势。社区基金会作为新兴的社区社会组织,肩负着与其他社会组织和基金会不同的使命,在激活社区参与,应对社区公共问题,转变基层政府职能,改善地方治理格局等方面起到越来越重要的作用。本文试以上海市首家公募社区基金会为例,详细考察社区基金会的参与式发展过程及策略。研究发现,参与式发展是社区基金会的立身之基,是社区基金会的发展向度,参与式发展需要社区基金会融入社区以增进社区行动力;为了实现社区基金会的参与式发展,需要将社区参与指标化,并加强参与的痕迹管理;需要社区增能与社区社会资本的增进。 With the promotion of grassroots social governance and the further development of social organizations, the community foundations have emerged and flourished in such relatively economically developed areas as Shenzhen and Shanghai. As a new community social organization, the community foundation shoulders the mission of different from other social organizations and foundations. It plays an increasingly important role in activating community participation, responding to community public problems, transforming grassroots government functions and improving local governance. Role. This paper tries to take Shanghai’s first publicly-funded community foundation as an example to examine in detail the participatory development process and strategy of the community foundation. The study found that participatory development is the foundations of community foundations and the development orientation of community foundations. Participatory development requires that community foundations be integrated into communities to promote community action. In order to realize the participatory development of community foundations, Indicate community involvement and strengthen the management of the traces of participation; increase community empowerment and community social capital.
从在斯坦福桥默默无闻,到如今被皇马和切尔西争来夺去,塞尔维亚人伊万诺维奇就像躲在角落里杀手凝神待发的飞刀,随手一挥,就可以成为夺命的角色。 From being obscure at St
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