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各市、县(市、区)党委和人民政府,省直属各单位:2001—2005年,全省各地各部门按照“四五”普法宣传教育规划的要求,深入开展法制宣传教育,大力普及法律知识,扎实推进依法治理,取得了显著成效,并涌现出了一批法制宣传教育先进集体和先进个人。为激励先进,树立典型,进一步推动我省法制宣传教育和依法治理工作向纵深发展,经各地各部门认真评比推荐,并报省委、省政府同意,对杭州市西湖区等21个法制宣传教育先进县(市、区)、省公安厅等129个法制宣传教育先进单位、舟山市依法治市和法制教育领导小组办公室等7个法制宣传教育先进普法办、陶美君等130名法制宣传教育先进个人、卢群等59名法制宣传教育先进工作者予以通报表彰。 Party committees and people’s governments at all levels of cities, counties (cities and districts) and units directly under the province: From 2001 to 2005, various departments and units across the province conducted in-depth publicity and education on the legal system and popularized them in accordance with the requirements of the “April 5” popularization and education program Legal knowledge, steadfastly promoted the administration according to law, and achieved remarkable results. A batch of advanced collectives and advanced individuals in legal publicity and education emerged. In order to motivate the advanced and establish a typical, and further promote our province publicity and education of legal system and work in accordance with the law to the depth of development, after careful assessment of all localities and departments recommended and submitted to the provincial party committee and provincial government agreed to the Hangzhou West Lake District 21 legal publicity and education 129 advanced units of legal publicity and education such as advanced counties (cities, districts) and provincial Public Security Bureau, and 7 legal publicity and education advanced individuals such as the Legal Popularization and Education Law Office and Tao Meijun, according to law governing the city of Zhoushan and the Leading Group Office of Legal Education. , Luqun and other 59 legal publicity and education advanced workers to be commended for recognition.
本文是考虑化学火箭发动机燃烧理论的数学模型、疲劳断裂传播的随机模型以及复杂航天飞机运动动力学方程和解题方法。 This article is a mathematical model considering t
一、简述 胶接技术在现代化技术领域,特别是航空、航天工业中的地位越来越重要,它具有不少其他技术难以匹敌的优越性。因此,胶接技术,包括胶粘剂、胶接工艺和检测技术的研究
本文简述了大型发动机壳体旋压成形的优点,指明旋压中材料利用率低的问题系因预成形工艺不合理所致,并对照国外旋前坯预成形工艺,提出了合理的改进措施。 This article outl
问:《农村五保供养工作条例》近日已实施,农村五保供养的对象、内容、资金和形式是哪些,该《条例》有什么新规定?  答:《农村五保供养工作条例》已于3月1日实施,比较新旧法规,最大的变动在于农村五保供养将从农村集体供养转为财政供养,五保供养对象的吃、穿、住、医、葬和未成年人教育的保障将纳入公共财政支出的范围。    供养对象:老年、残疾或未满16周岁无人赡养的村民。  条例规定:农村五保供养,是指在吃
某发动机壳体使用30CrMnSiA板材卷焊成型,在内压力P下工作,壳体的环向应力为σ_c。当强度σ_b小于σ_c时壳体失效,其失效模式用下式表示:σ_c=P_(max)·R/H>σ_b (1)为应用