
来源 :中国国情国力 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sketchupbim
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今年前三季度,各地区、各部门以科学发展观统领全局,认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院确定的各项方针政策,巩固和发展宏观调控成果,积极推进改革开放,国民经济没有出现大的波动,呈现出平稳较快发展的良好态势。初步核算,前三季度国内生产总值106275亿元,同比增长9.4%,增速与去年同期和今年上半年基本持平。其中,第一、二、三季度分别增长9.4%、9.5%和9.4%,呈现出稳定增长态势。工、农业生产形势较好。各项支农惠农政策,有效地调动了农民的生产积极性,农业和农村经济保持了较好的发展势头,全年粮食生产将再获丰收;全国规模以上工业增加值同 In the first three quarters of this year, all regions and departments conducted the overall situation with the scientific concept of development, conscientiously implemented the various guidelines and policies as set by the Central Party Committee and the State Council, consolidated and developed the results of macroeconomic regulation and control, and actively promoted the reform and opening up without any major fluctuations in the national economy , Showing a good momentum of steady and rapid development. Initial accounting, the first three quarters of GDP 1.06275 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.4%, the growth rate and the same period last year and the first half of this year basically the same. Among them, the first, second and third quarters increased by 9.4%, 9.5% and 9.4% respectively, showing a steady growth trend. Workers, agricultural production situation is better. The policies of supporting agriculture and benefiting farmers have effectively mobilized the peasants’ enthusiasm for production. The agriculture and rural economy maintained a good momentum of development. The grain production in the year will be bounded again. The added value of the industries above designated size in the country will be the same
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认识小聪好多年了,他是我佩服的那类人。人性复杂多变,每个人都有个性,但我在生活中判断一个人是不是有趣闪光,用的是最简单的办法——这个人是不是愿意为自己热爱的事情去做点什么。  小聪在几年前策划了一场名人讲座活動。那场活动,成千上万人翘首以盼,结果却出了纰漏,导致他被很多人责骂。  那场名人讲座的主角,是蔡康永。那一年,他出了一本书叫《蔡康永的说话之道》。小聪是一家杂志社的主笔记者,同时也是《康熙来