
来源 :机械工厂设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mochi7momo
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当动力机器基础的振波在土中传播时,由于土的内部阻尼及振波的能量扩散,使振波的振幅随离开振源距离的增大而逐渐减小,这种现象称为振波的衰减。衰减的快慢和计算方法对总图布置非常重要,如厂区内有锻工车间时,锻锤基础的振动对计算机房、中心试验室、精密机床、仪表、办公楼等影响的计算;在压缩机车间,按工艺要求,必须在同一车间内布置低频压缩机和高频机器时,则低频机器基础的振动对高频机器的影响如何计算尤其重要,因为两者的基础靠得很近。又如金工车间的冲床、压力机对周围机床的影响等。下面先阐述影响地基土衰减的因素,然后再介绍衰减的计算方法。 When the vibration wave of the foundation of the power machine propagates in the soil, the amplitude of the vibration wave gradually decreases with the increase of the distance from the vibration source due to the internal damping of the soil and the energy diffusion of the wave. This phenomenon is called the vibration wave. Attenuation. The speed of attenuation and the calculation method are very important for the layout of the general plan. For example, when there is a forging shop in the factory area, the vibration of the forging hammer foundation affects the calculation of the computer room, the central laboratory, precision machine tools, meters, and office buildings; In the workshop, according to the technological requirements, when low-frequency compressors and high-frequency machines must be arranged in the same workshop, how the calculation of the vibration of the low-frequency machine-based vibrations on high-frequency machines is particularly important, because the foundations of the two are very close. Another example is the impact of presses and presses on the machine tool around the metalworking shop. The following describes the factors affecting the attenuation of foundation soil, and then introduces the calculation method of attenuation.
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