问:家居农村的老工人退休后,是否均按国发(86)了了号文件规定,解决一名在农村的子女到原父母工作单位工作? 答:子女顶替制度实行多年,弊病甚多,不利于现代化建设。自发(86)77号通知中已明确指示,废止“子女顶替”制度,但考虑到部分家居农村的老工人的实际情况,对一九五七年底以前参加工作、家居农村的老工人,在他们办理退休手续后,允许一名农村的适龄
Q: After retiring, did the old workers in the rural areas of their home country, under the rules of the State Council (86), deal with the work of a child in rural areas who was working in the original parent? A: The child replacement system has been practiced for many years and has many drawbacks. Not conducive to modernization. In the notice of spontaneous (86) 77, it has been explicitly instructed to abolish the “subsistence allowance system.” However, taking into consideration the actual situation of some of the old rural workers in rural areas, the workmen who participated in the work before the end of 1957, After they have completed their retirement procedures, they are allowed to have a suitable age in rural areas