
来源 :中国艾滋病性病 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vl244
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目的了解口腔医学国内学生和留学生对艾滋病知识的认知、对待艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者/艾滋病(AIDS)病人(简称HIV/AIDS病人)的态度并且进行比较,获得他们对艾滋病相关教学的需求及评价健康教育的效果。方法对108名国内口腔医学生(简称国内学生)及28名海外口腔医学留学生(简称留学生)在健康教育前后分别进行自填问卷调查,对问卷结果进行分析。结果国内学生和留学生对艾滋病知识、传播途径均有一定的认识。100%的国内学生、89.3%的留学生知晓性、血液、母婴是HIV传播的途径。艾滋病的口腔表现中知晓率较高的病种依次为卡波西肉瘤、口腔念珠菌病、毛状白斑。其中国内学生对三种疾病的知晓率分别为83.0%、82.0%、77.0%;留学生的知晓率分别为17.9%、35.7%、25.0%。对待HIV/AIDS病人的态度比较保守。愿意为HIV/AIDS病人治疗口腔疾病的国内学生和留学生仅38.9%、42.9%。经健康教育后愿意提供治疗的国内学生的比例上升到63.9%。结论健康教育能够起到积极的正面影响,是提高口腔医学生对艾滋病认知的有效手段。 Objective To understand the knowledge of AIDS students and students in domestic and international stomatology, the attitude toward HIV / AIDS patients (referred to as HIV / AIDS patients) and their comparisons to get their AIDS-related teaching needs And evaluate the effect of health education. Methods A total of 108 domestic stomatology students (referred to as domestic students) and 28 overseas stomatological students (referred to as international students) were surveyed by questionnaire before and after health education, and the results of the questionnaire were analyzed. Results Both domestic and foreign students have some knowledge about HIV / AIDS and ways of transmission. 100% of domestic students, 89.3% of overseas students awareness, blood, mother and child are the means of transmission of HIV. Awareness of AIDS in oral expression of the higher prevalence of disease were Kaposi’s sarcoma, oral candidiasis, hairy white spots. Among them, the awareness rate of domestic students to the three diseases were 83.0%, 82.0% and 77.0% respectively; the awareness rate of overseas students was 17.9%, 35.7% and 25.0% respectively. The treatment of HIV / AIDS patients more conservative attitude. Only 38.9% and 42.9% of domestic and foreign students are willing to treat oral diseases for HIV / AIDS patients. The proportion of domestic students willing to provide treatment after health education rose to 63.9%. Conclusion Health education can play a positive and positive role and is an effective way to improve the awareness of stomatology among AIDS patients.
传统的听力教学法以结果为导向,"教听力"往往成为"考听力",学生的听力过程很少得到指导,常造成听力焦虑。本文通过介绍听力研究领域最新研究成果——Vandergrift与Goh 2012年
<正> 一些地方和部门保护主义严重,把造假、售假当做地方致富手段,一切从局部利益出发,无视政策和法律、法规,搞地区封锁,行业垄断。而对有关部门采取强打招呼,要求照顾其&#3