夹江,因城西北有“两山对峙,一水中流”的自然形胜历来。为兵家所重视。如今,夹江一县之地,就有驻军部队10多个,被人誉为“兵城”。在这样一座“兵城”里,拥军工作如何有效开展?怎样支持抓好国防后备力量建设?对此,夹江县委书记、县武装部党委第一书记童光明深感重担在肩。 上任不久的童光明即到县武装部听取汇报,并当场讲了“三个必须”、“三个不能”;党管武装的优良传统必须继承,不能丢提;党管武装制度必须坚持,不能削弱;武装工作困难必须解决,不能拖延。他是这样说的,更是这样身体力行抓落实的。
Jiajiang, northwest due to the city there is “confrontation between two mountains, a middle stream of water,” the natural form has always been. For the military attention. Today, there is more than 10 units of garrison troops in Jiajiang County. It has been hailed as “Bingcheng.” In such a “military city”, how to support the army’s work effectively? How to support the building of a national defense reserve? To this end, Jiajiang county party secretary and county party secretary Wei Guangming first secretary of deep burden. Shortly after taking office, Tong Guangming went to the Armed Forces of the county to listen to the report and spoke on the spot of “three musts” and “three cans.” The fine tradition of the party’s possession of armed forces must be inherited and can not be discarded. The party’s armed system must be adhered to and can not Weakening; Armed work difficulties must be solved, can not be delayed. He said so, but it is so personally implemented.