实践“三个代表” 创建工地文化

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进入新世纪 ,我国建筑业面临难得的发展机遇 ,“十五”国家重点工程启动 ,西部大开发 ,城镇基础设施和住宅建设迅猛发展 ,既扩大了内需、改善了环境 ,又拉动了相关产业的发展。据统计 ,2 0 0 1年 ,全国建筑业完成 36 898亿元固定资产投资 ,从业人员 380 0万人 ,至少有 17.6万个 In the new century, China’s construction industry is facing a rare opportunity for development. The state’s key projects of the 10th Five-Year Plan have started and the western development has taken place. The rapid development of urban infrastructure and housing construction has not only expanded domestic demand, improved the environment but also boosted the development of related industries development of. According to statistics, in 2001, the national construction industry completed a total investment of 3.6898 trillion yuan in fixed assets, employing 38.0 million people and at least 176,000
An 80-d incubation experiment was conducted to investigate straw decomposition,the priming effect and microbial characteristics in a non-fertilized soil(soil 1) and a long-term organic manure-fertiliz
摘 要:高职思政教育改革,首先要科學构建内容体系;其次,要改革传统教法,突出学生主体作用,推进课程思政改革;再次,要丰富创新思政教育载体,提高教育教学的针对性和实效性。  关键词:高职院校;思政工作;铸魂工程  高校思想政治工作是一项重大的政治任务和战略工程,它关系高校培养什么样的人、如何培养人以及为谁培养人这个根本问题。做好高校思想政治工作,要因事而化、因时而进、因势而新。近年来,益阳职院努力探
Amino compounds(ACs),i.e.,amino acids and amino sugars,are the major forms of organic nitrogen(N)in animal manure and soil.To increase our understanding on the effect of long-term poultry litter(PL)ap
A laboratory-based aerobic incubation was conducted to investigate nitrogen(N) isotopic fractionation related to nitrification in five agricultural soils after
Unintended effects of genetic modification on chemical composition of Bt maize leaf litter may have impacts on its decomposition. In most agricultural systems i