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1991年1月,长沙铁路公安处便担负了国家“八五”重点工程项目之一——株北上行系统扩能工程施工建设期间的消防监督工程。 五年过去,整个施工建设现场没有发生过一起火灾、火警、确保了该工程的消防安全,这凝聚了长沙铁路公安处捍卫“重点工程”的消防监督人员的多少心血! 株北上行系统扩能工程规模大、三级四场,全长10.04公里,包括新建到达场、编组场、出发场、交换场、南北疏解区、站修所、机务折返段以及通信、信号电力等生产与生活设施多处施工现场。由于工程量大,施工期间,共使用炸药510余吨,雷管45万余枚,导火索49万余米。鉴于现场施工要动用大量危爆物品,早在正式开工前的1991年1月,长铁公安处就专门成立了株北上行系统扩能工程公安科,在原广州铁路局(现广铁集团公司)株洲枢纽工程指挥部《以下简称“局指”》的领导下,开展了以加强危爆物品管理为主要内容的治安保卫工作。施工期间,针对铁十二、铁二、铁四3个工程局均需大量危爆物品的实际情况,长铁公安处在株洲市公安局的协助下,给每局各设一个炸药库、一个雷管库和一个导火索库,每库间隔50米的方案选址建库,各局负 In January 1991, Changsha Railway Public Security Department took over the fire supervision project during the construction of the expansion system of the upstream system of North China, one of the key “85” projects of the state. In the past five years, no fire or fire broke out on the entire construction site, ensuring the fire safety of the project. This embodies the courage of the fire supervisory personnel of Changsha Railway Public Security Department to defend the “key projects.” Expansion of the Upstream System in North China The project is large-scale, three in four, with a total length of 10.04 km, including new arrival, marshalling yard, departure yard, exchange yard, north-south detention area, station repair station, repatriation section and communication and signal power and other production and living facilities Construction site. Due to the large amount of construction, a total of more than 510 tons of explosives, 450,000 detonators and more than 49,000 meters of fuse were used during the construction period. In view of the on-site construction to use a large number of dangerous goods, as early as January 1991 before the official start of the long railway public security department set up a special branch of North Branch of the expansion project Public Security Bureau, the former Guangzhou Railway Bureau (now the Canton Railway Corporation) Zhuzhou hub project headquarters “hereinafter referred to as” the Department of "under the leadership of carried out to strengthen the management of dangerous goods as the main content of public order and security work. During the construction period, according to the actual situation that a large number of dangerous goods are required for the three engineering bureaus of No.12, No. 2 and No. 4 of the Iron Works, the Chang-Tieshsu Public Security Office, with the assistance of the Public Security Bureau of Zhuzhou City, Detonator and a fuse library, each library at a distance of 50 meters of the program site building, each bureau negative
【摘要】巧妇难为无米之炊,写作文时,要根据文章的中心思想,对手中掌握的素材进行分析、比较、鉴别,进行严格的筛选,选出恰当的素材才能写出好文章。中学生作文选材应以熟悉、真实、感情充沛、典型为主。  【关键词】熟悉 真实 感情充沛 典型  【中图分类号】G427  【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】1006——5962(2012)01(a)——0077——01  选材就是根据主题的需要,有目的的选择恰当
贵刊2011年第11期刊登了叶玉琴撰写的题为《一道力学题的求解及感悟》一文,文中探讨的问题是:  如图1所示,长为2L的轻质杆两端有质量均为m的两个相同的小球A和小球B,A靠在竖直墙壁上,B与地接触,均不计摩擦,开始时杆与水平面成60°角,放手后A下滑、B右滑.问:当栉啻笫盇刚好脱离墙壁?  文章通过三种解析方法解答本题,以表达作者对高三物理复习教学的的想法,但问题的求解显然小题大做了,为此,笔
雷击可能对建筑物、电气设备、人身安全带来极大的危害,所以防雷是电气安装工程中极其重要的施工项目。本文对建筑物防雷措施与防雷装置安装进行了研究。 Lightning strikes
当一对对情侣在浓重的夜色中漫步低语的时候;当一个个和睦之家在灯下享受天伦之乐的时候,你可知道,庇护这美好生活的是一面面闪光的“金盾”? 为了使“金盾”更加威力无比,