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时间流逝并不意味着新闻价值的彻底流失,把旧闻翻新是记者的必备素质。本文认为旧闻是新闻的一部分,并从8个方面探讨旧闻翻新的一些基本技巧。 The passage of time does not mean the complete loss of news value, and the renovation of old news is a necessary quality of journalists. This paper argues that old news is part of the news, and discusses some basic skills of old news renovation from eight aspects.
Semantic textual similarity(STS) is a common task in natural language processing(NLP). STS measures the degree of semantic equivalence of two textual snippets.
[Objective]To observe the morphological characteristics of floral organs and leaf epidermis of F.suspensa,so as to provide basic information for introduction,cu
[目的]研究长期弱光对冬小麦(Triticum aestivumL.)群体光合速率(CAP)以及上3叶特别是旗叶光合特性的影响。[方法]以耐弱光性不同的冬小麦品种扬麦158和扬麦11为材料,设不遮
古代思想家陈宏谋在《从政遗规》中说:“当官之法,惟有三事:曰清、曰慎、曰勤。知此三者,则知所以持身矣。”指出了掌权者应怎样为官、用权、做事。 一、清——清清白白为官
A lesion mimic stripe mutant,designated as lms1(lesion mimic stripe 1),was obtained from the M2 progeny of a 60Co γ-radiation treated japonica rice variety Jia
In prior research,the orientation of head of the snake-like robot is changed according to the sinusoidal wave. To solve this problem,we propose Central Pattern