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宜春日报踏着时代的节拍,与共和国一道走过了46个春秋。46年来,宜春日报几经曲折,终于走出低谷,高唱着改革开放的主旋律。 看到今天的宜春日报,不能不说说现任社长冷社联。 80年代末,宜春日报接连三任总编离任,当时报社与地区司法局共挤在一幢破旧的四层楼里,连一个会议室都没有,每逢开大会,上百号人便挤在走廊里,职工住房更是格外紧张,编辑、记者业务骨干就有10名同志在外租房住,单身职工为省房租索性挤在四楼的职工俱乐部里,三分之一以上的编辑、记者人心思走,导致报纸不能正常出刊。 冷社联就是在这种情况下出任宜春日报社社长。 曾任地委组织部副部长的冷社联是以开拓进取享誉大院的。上任伊始他深感担子很重,但有决心干好。 他上任做的第一件事便是组建报社党委。而后又 Yichun Daily marching on the beat of the times, with the Republic through 46 Spring and Autumn. Over the past 46 years, Yichun Daily has gone through twists and turns and finally out of the trough, singing the main theme of reform and opening up. See today’s Yichun Daily, can not fail to talk about the current president of the cold association. In the late 1980s, Yichun Daily left for the third consecutive term as editor-in-chief at a time when the newspaper was co-crowded with the District Judicial Administration in a shabby four-story building without even a conference room. Every time a conference was held, hundreds of people shuffled In the corridor, staff housing is even more tense. Editors and reporters have 10 comrades who rent out their houses for rent. Single staff members pay rent on the fourth floor to the workers ’clubs. More than a third of editors and reporters’ hearts Thinking away, leading to newspapers can not be properly published. Cold Society is in this case as Yichun Daily News. Former deputy director of the Organization Department of the Cold Society is based on the pioneering spirit of the compound. At the beginning of his office, he felt a heavy burden but was determined to do a good job. The first thing he did when he took office was to form a newspaper party. Then again
一、知识要求试题 1.是非题(是画√,非画×。画错倒扣分;每题1分;共20分) (1)新安装的砂轮,一般只需作一次静平衡后即可进行正常磨削。 () (2)陶瓷结合剂一般可用于制造薄片
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由人事部和国家税务总局共同组织的2003年全国注册税务师执业资格考试工作已圆满结束。据统计,报名参加2003年度考试的达383 427人次,比去年增长了31.69%。有关人士分析生源
The reaction of m-chlorobenzaldoxime dehydrodimer with styrene gives two 1:1 adducts.The main product 7 is a bisnitrone. The minor product 8 has been shown by