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在2013年证监会年报中,监管转型、注册制改革、加大创新力度,维护中小投资者利益等,是引人注目的关键词。火红的七月里不只有酷暑,还有丰收与喜悦带来的凉意。七月的第一天,“2013年证监会年报”与大家见面了。“2013年是中国资本市场发展历程中具有重要意义的一年。”中国证监会主席肖钢在年报致辞中如是评价。这一年,新一届中央政府成立后,明确提出了中国证监会的职责定位,要求证监会切实履行好维护公开、公平、公正的市场秩序,维护投资者特别是中小投资者的合法权益,促进资本市场健康发展的职责。 In the 2013 annual report of the CSRC, regulatory transition, the reform of the registration system, increasing innovation and safeguarding the interests of small and medium-sized investors are key compelling keywords. The fiery July is not only heat, but also the coolness of harvest and joy. On the first day of July, we met with the “2013 Annual Report of the CSRC.” “2013 is a year of great significance in the development of China’s capital market.” Xiao Gang, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission, commented on the annual report. This year, after the establishment of the new Central Government, it clearly put forward the CSRC’s role orientation and required the CSRC to earnestly perform its duties in safeguarding an open, fair and impartial market order and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of investors, especially small and medium-sized investors. Promote the healthy development of the capital market.
丝绸古道的驼铃  还在岁月的耳朵里  悠悠回响  下西洋的片片白帆  还在时光的记忆里  迎风破浪  走进新时代的中国  一声声激越的汽笛  穿云破霧  凝聚起磅礴的力量  一道道银色的闪电  风之轨迹  把世界的眼睛擦亮  流淌炎黄海纳百川的血脉  传承民族虚怀若谷的个性  动车组列车  高速运行在中华大地之上  一次再一次  把引领世界的中国速度  中国的智慧中国的力量  镌刻在人类不断向前发
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冠脉粥样斑块切除术和冠脉腔内支承术(endoluminal stenting)能有效地减轻冠脉狭窄的程度,但这二种方法与惯用的球囊成形术尚未直接进行比较。为了比较这三种手术的即时效果
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