【摘 要】
(三)幼体育苗池的管理南美白对虾幼体育苗池的管理是一项综合的科学管理 ,日常管理措施如下 :1.每天进行各期对虾幼体发育镜检、计数 ,及时掌握各期幼体的成活率。2.每天上、下午进
(三)幼体育苗池的管理南美白对虾幼体育苗池的管理是一项综合的科学管理 ,日常管理措施如下 :1.每天进行各期对虾幼体发育镜检、计数 ,及时掌握各期幼体的成活率。2.每天上、下午进行浮游动植物种类、数量的镜检。3.每天上、下午定时测定气温、比重、pH值、溶氧等变?
(III) Management of Young Sports Seedling Pond The management of young seedling pond of Penaeus vannamei is an integrated and scientific management. The daily management measures are as follows: 1. Carry out microscopic examination and counting on larval development of larvae every day, and grasp the survival rate of larvae in time. 2. Daily, afternoon, phytoplankton species, the number of microscopic examination. 3. Every day, afternoon time determination of temperature, specific gravity, pH, dissolved oxygen and other changes?
An ideal processing flowsheet of graphite min-eral from chicheng mine, Hebei Prov. has been pro-posed by studying the mineralogy of graphite and itsflotability.
The influences of various kinds of UV-absorbers,antioxidants and their mixtures on UV-aging resis-tance of transparent unsaturated polyester FRP arestudied by a
Laboratory studies were made on the floatabil-ity of magnesite and dolomite ivith sodium oleate asthe collector.The adsorption mechanism of sodiumoleate on the
对气管置管误插入食道判断困难1例分析如下。1 病历摘要 男,13岁。7:30发现呼之不应,口吐白沫,胸部起伏可,无四肢抽搐和大小便失禁。12:00急送至我院急诊科。查体:神志不清,双瞳等大,