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’99高考书面表达题要求考生通过图画提示来提炼主题大意,并通过适当的想象使文章增添些血肉,正确地使用英语给友人 Mr.Smith写一封信,介绍你们学校三年来的变化。它是对考生的语言输出能力的综合考查。’99高考书面表达题虽然仍是以读图的形式出现,但与往年的试题相比较,又发生了一些变化。它改变了几年来类似连环画的模式,由多幅图变为两幅图,而且画面非常简洁,两幅画中几乎没有任何多余的信息。考生通过对比两幅画,能准确地把握三年来学校的变化。三年前的校园概貌(第一幅图)粗略,在学校的围墙内,中间一条路从大门直通教学楼,飘着旗的旗杆,路的左侧是一个运动场。三年后的校园变化(第二幅图)明显,原来的运动场上盖起了一座图书馆,在它的对面、路的另一侧建了一栋新教学楼,新运动场修建在校园前的围墙外,校园 ’99 college entrance examination written questions require candidates to use the pictorial hints to refine the theme, and through appropriate imagination to make the article add some flesh and blood, correctly use English to friends Mr. Smith writes a letter describing the changes you have made in your school over the past three years. It is a comprehensive examination of candidates’ language output capabilities. Even though the written questions in the ’99 college entrance examination are still in the form of reading pictures, some changes have taken place in comparison with the examination questions in previous years. It has changed the pattern of comic books for several years. It has changed from multiple figures to two pictures, and the picture is very simple. There is almost no redundant information in the two pictures. Candidates can accurately grasp the changes in the school over the past three years by comparing the two paintings. Three years ago, the outline of the campus (the first picture) was roughly sketched. Within the wall of the school, the middle road leads from the gate to the school building, the flags of the flagpole, and the left side of the road is a playground. After three years of campus change (second picture), a library was built on the original stadium, a new teaching building was built on the opposite side of the road, and the new stadium was built in front of the campus. Outside the wall, campus
本文根据高考考查的知识要点分别举例分析说明与预测,将复数的知识及其应用融合一体进行复习,阐明解题的基本方法、技能与技巧。 This article analyzes the explanations a
’99NMET单项填空第18小题:You should make it a rule to leave things you can find them again.A.when B.where C.then D.there这道题涉及到where的意义和用法。where是中学
特点之二为了切实推进素质教育 ,教育部在《关于2 0 0 0年初中毕业、升学考试改革的指导意见》中对中考数学试卷的命题 ,提出了如下要求 :“数学考试应在考查学生的基本运算