Effects of Tempering Temperature and Mo/Ni on Microstructures and Properties of Lath Martensitic Wea

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jojoyks
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The tempering behavior was experimentally studied in lath martensitic wear-resistant steels with various Mo/Ni contents after tempering at different temperatures from 200to 600℃.It is shown that a good combination of hardness(HV)(420-450)and-20℃impact toughness(38-70J)can be obtained after quenching and tempering at 200-250 ℃.The microstructure at this temperature is lath structure with rod-like and/or flake-likeε-carbide with about 10nm in width and 100nm in length in the matrix,and the fracture mechanism is quasi-cleavage fracture combining with ductile fracture.Tempering at temperature from 300to 400℃results in the primary quasi-cleavagefracture due to the carbide transformation from resolved retained austenite and impurity segregation between laths or blocks.However,when the tempering temperature is higher than 500℃,the hardness(HV)is lower than 330 and the fracture mechanism changes to ductile fracture due to the spheroidization and coarsening of cementite.Additions of Mo and Ni have no significant effects on the carbides morphologies at low tempering temperatures,but improve the resistance to softening and embrittling for steels when tempered at above 350℃. The tempering behavior was experimentally studied in lath martensitic wear-resistant steels with various Mo / Ni contents after tempering at different temperatures from 200 to 600 ° C.It shows that a good combination of hardness (HV) (420-450) and -20 ° C. impact toughness (38-70J) can be obtained after quenching and tempering at 200-250 ° C. The microstructure at this temperature is lath structure with rod-like and / or flake-likeε-carbide with about 10 nm in width and 100 nm in length in the matrix, and the fracture mechanism is quasi-cleavage fracture combining with ductile fracture. Tempering at temperature from 300 to 400 ° C results in the primary quasi-cleavage fracture due to the carbide transformation from resolved retained austenite and impurity segregation between laths or blocks. Still, when the tempering temperature is higher than 500 ° C., the hardness (HV) is lower than 330 and the fracture mechanism changes to ductile fracture due to the spheroidization and coarsening of cementite. Additions of Mo and Ni have no significant effects on the carbides morphologies at low tempering temperatures, but improve the resistance to softening and embrittling for steels when tempered at 350 ° C.
本文以当前大学英语教学改革为契机,从分析目前高等学校英美文学教学的现状入手、结合本人多媒体英语教学的实例来论述英美文学教学中如何充分使用多媒体进行辅助教学。 Bas
患者 ,男 ,4 8岁 ,确诊为糜烂性胃炎后于 2 0 0 0年 6月17日自服麦滋林颗粒剂 (日本寿制药株式会社生产 ,批号 :2 0 0 0 0 2 17) ,0 .67g ,tid ,在此期间未服用其它药物 ,饮食与
例 1,男 ,5 8岁 ,退休工人 ,2 0 0 0年 4月 2 0日以头晕、头痛伴口渴、夜间尿量增多半月入院 ,既往无药物过敏史。高血压病史 10余年 ,糖尿病病史 5年 ,两月前未服用各类药物
例 1,女 ,3 4岁 ,1995年 9月 10日因阵发性腹痛 ,恶心5d住院。入院诊断为慢性胆囊炎。体检 :T 3 7.0℃ ,急性病容 ,神志清 ,心、肺无异常 ,右上腹轻度压痛 ,未触及包块 ,肝脾肋
3月20日,由工信部赛迪研究院、中国电子报社主办,捷孚凯市场咨询(中国)有限公司(以下简称Gf K)协办的第二届中国空气净化器产业高峰论坛在北京举行。来自霍尼韦尔、布鲁雅尔