小麦适时播种 合理密植的技术要点

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适时种足种好小麦,是夺取小麦高产稳产的基础。实践证明,小麦种好了,管理就主动了,丰收就有保证。因此,一定要在种好上下硬功夫。一、适期播种播种过早,苗期温度高,幼苗生长快,冬前旺长而受冻害。冬前徒长的麦田,年后生长瘦弱,返青后生长也慢,“麦无二旺”就是这个道理。播种过晚,温度低,积温少,生长慢,发育差,冬前形不成壮苗,穗小粒少,粒重轻,造成减产。近几年来,我省仍有不少地方对适时播种的重要性认识不足,仅仅以上一年的播种早晚作依据,播期忽早忽晚,给小麦 Time to plant enough kind of wheat, is to win the basis of high and stable yield of wheat. Practice has proved that wheat is planted, management takes the initiative, there is a guarantee of good harvest. Therefore, we must hard work hard up and down. First, the sowing of premature sowing premature, seedling temperature is high, rapid growth of seedlings, long winter before the long frost damage. Winter before the long wheat field, after years of emaciation growth, growth is slow after turning green, “wheat is not flourishing” is the truth. Sowing too late, low temperature, less accumulated temperature, slow growth, poor development, can not form a strong seedlings before winter, less spikelets, grain weight, resulting in reduced production. In recent years, there are still many places in our province lack of understanding of the importance of timely sowing, just the last year as the basis for sowing, sowing date suddenly morning and evening, to wheat
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