以行促改 以改促新——教室多媒体平台管理心得

来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:p_123_456
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在新课程实施的推动下,多媒体教学在逐步推广,关于多媒体教学的讨论也一时成为热门话题,而在顺利使用多媒体设备开展教学活动的背后,是对多媒体平台的精心维护和管理。如何使多媒体平台被正确使用,如何预防多媒体平台这样那样的问题出现,如何在多媒体平台出现问题后能够快速有效地解决等等问题是我们作为平台管理员一直在思考和探索的问题。我们学校目前有23套多媒体平台。记得三年多前,这些多媒体平台刚装起来的时候,各项管理制度还不完善,而学生对这些 With the implementation of the new curriculum, multimedia teaching is gradually being promoted. The discussion on multimedia teaching has also become a hot topic for a while. Behind the smooth use of multimedia equipment to carry out teaching activities, the multimedia platform is well maintained and managed. How to make the multimedia platform correctly used, how to prevent the multimedia platform such problems appear, how to quickly and effectively solve the problems after the multimedia platform and so on are the issues that we as the platform administrator have been thinking and exploring. Our school currently has 23 sets of multimedia platforms. I remember more than three years ago, when these multi-media platforms were put together, the management systems were still not perfect,
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驴lǘ子zi和hé骡luó子zi各ɡè驮tuó一yī筐kuānɡ玉yù米mǐ棒bànɡ到dào南nán山shān去qù。驴lǘ子zi走zǒu左zuǒ边biān的de山shān路lù;骡luó子zi走zǒu右yòu边biān的de山shān路lù。  驴lǘ子zi走zǒu到dào半bàn山shān腰yāo,筐kuānɡ底dǐ漏lòu了le,玉yù米mǐ棒bànɡ洒sǎ了le满mǎn坡pō。驴lǘ子z
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5月1日 晴  终于有幸与爸爸妈妈在五一节随团参加海南岛旅游。这次出行旅游令我大开眼界、难以忘却。海南岛的阳光、沙滩、椰林、碧海、绿野,秀丽的热带风光深深地印记在我的脑海中……  西 岛  第一天早上,吃过早餐后,我们乘车驶出海口市,北上到三亚的西岛。汽车悠然地行驶在公路上,视野渐渐开阔,两边是一片片椰林,碧绿的田野。四小时后我们终于来到西岛,第一次见到大海,我欣喜若狂。啊,真的是大海,一望无际,