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两手抓两手硬的优秀干部──黄祖望黄祖望同志1974年入党,现任北京矿务局木城涧煤矿党委书记、矿长。1993年以来,他先后被授予北京市“十杰”共产党员、全国优秀企业思想政治工作者、北京市工业系统十佳党委书记、全国优秀党务工作者和全国劳动模范等荣誉称号。... Both hands grasp both hard and excellent cadres ─ ─ Huang Zuwang Comrade Huang Zuwang joined the party in 1974, the incumbent Beijing Mining Bureau Muchengjian coal mine party secretary and director. Since 1993, he has been awarded the honorary title of “Top Ten” Communists in Beijing, Ideological and Political Workers in Outstanding Enterprises in the Nation, Top Ten CPC Party Committee Secretary of Beijing Municipal Industrial System, and Outstanding Party Workers in China and National Model Worker. ...
[Objective]To investigate the effects of flavonoids from stem and leaf of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi on memory impairment and expression of ChAT and NOS in
导演说:一切为了好看! 因《宰相刘罗锅》和《咱爸咱妈》等剧声名鹊起的著名导演韩刚,几年前就产生了与著名导演谢飞合作的意向。不久前,当谢飞“下海”创办起“北京—谢飞尊
《中国药典》规定 ,配制盐酸普鲁卡因注射液时 ,其酸度须用 0 .1M的盐酸调节 ,使得 p H为 3.5~ 5 [1 ] 。我们过去的做法是 :灌装前 ,在符合浓度的药液中 ,将 0 .1M的盐酸少量
通过榆绥高速公路牛家梁互通E匝道桥的施工实践,研究总结了小曲线半径、跨铁路50m T梁架设施工的方案设计和架梁施工,对同类桥梁的架设具有很好的借鉴作用。 Through the co
[Objective]To study the antipyretic and analgesic effects of water extracts,alcohol extracts and other solvent extraction parts of Rubus alceaefolius Poir.[Meth
Multi-pylon multi-span suspension bridge is a new type super flexible structure system, and the rigidity design of middle pylon is one of the main difficult tec