孝庄故里 草原名城

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内蒙古通辽市原为哲里木盟,始建于清崇德元年(公元1636年),1999年撤盟设地级市。全市总面积6万平方公里,辖五旗一县一市一区和一个经济技术开发区,人口310万,其中蒙古族人口145万,是全国蒙古族人口最集中的地区。通辽是红山文化和富河文化的发祥地,历史悠久。这里是古代马背民族金戈铁马、纵横驰骋的疆场;这里是清代国母孝庄文皇后、爱国名将僧格林沁、民族英雄嘎达梅林的故乡。通辽市地理位置优越,交通便利。通辽市先后荣获全国商品粮基地、畜产品基地、产粮大市、中国“安代艺术之乡”、“民族曲艺之乡”、“版画之乡”、“全国创建文明城市工作先进城市”荣誉称号。撤盟设市以来,通辽挟西部大开发和振兴东北老工业基地政策之先机,厚积薄发,三千里科尔沁草原敞开海纳百川的胸襟,笑迎四海宾朋,共同奏响了内蒙古崛起的雄浑乐章! Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia was originally the Zheli League, was built in the first year of Qing Chongde (AD 1636), in 1999 withdraw allied prefecture-level city. The city’s total area of ​​60,000 square kilometers, administer five counties one county and one city a district and an economic and technological development zone, population 3.1 million, of which 1.45 million Mongolian population, is the country’s most concentrated area of ​​Mongolian population. Tongliao is the cradle of Hongshan culture and Fuhe culture and has a long history. Here is the battlefield of the ancient horseback nationality, which drove gallop; this is the hometown of the patriotic famous Senggelinqin and the national hero Gadamelin. Tongliao City, strategic location, convenient transportation. Tongliao City has won the national commodity grain base, animal products base, grain-producing markets, China’s “Hometown of Art,” “National Folk Art town”, “print village”, “national civilized city work advanced city” honorary title. Since the establishment of UNITA, Tongliao has taken the lead in harnessing the policy of developing the western region and revitalizing the northeast old industrial base. The three thousand miles of Horqin grassland open up all corners of the country and welcome friends and guests from all corners of the globe to jointly play the vigorous movement of the rise of Inner Mongolia.
NH_4Y或HY沸石经过某种特定条件处理以后,结构稳定化,具有异常高的稳定性,人们称之为超稳 Y 沸石(Ultrastable Y Zeolite)。1967年 McDaniel 和 Maher 首先报告了这种新型物