义乌市总工会改作风 服务职工在基层

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今年以来,义乌市总工会围绕职工最关心、最直接、最现实的问题,开展了“服务职工在基层、工会就在你身边”主题实践活动,通过改进工作作风,确保教育实践活动取得让职工看得见、真满意的效果。发挥好“调查队”作用。从4月份起,由义乌市总工会常委牵头,分成8组,走进生产一线,倾听职工心声,开展工会“三项”大调研(基层工会组织和会员队伍基本情况调查、基层工会作用发挥状况调研、产业工会工作专题调研)。 Since the beginning of this year, Yiwu Federation of Trade Unions has carried out the theme practice activities of “Serving staff and workers at the grassroot level and unions on your side”, focusing on the most direct and practical problems that workers are most concerned about. By improving their work style and ensuring the attainment of educational practice activities Let employees see, really satisfied with the results. Play well “investigation team” role. From April onwards, led by the Standing Committee of the Yiwu Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, divided into 8 groups, into the production line, listening to the voices of workers, unions “three ” major research (grass-roots trade unions and members of the team survey, grass-roots trade union role Give full play to the status quo research, industrial union special survey).
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我喜欢漫步在田野,倾听昆虫的歌唱。我喜欢捧一大堆零食,边吃边看电视里滑稽的表演。 I like to walk in the fields and listen to the singing of insects. I like to ho
最近,我家的阳台成了老鼠的“公共厕所”,斑 斑点点的老鼠屎,很恶心。说来也怪,只见排泄物 不见排泄“人”。这些老鼠没有偷吃我家东西,也没 有搞破坏,但老鼠屎令人作呕,我们