陈坤曾主持过一档名为《行走的力量》的节目,旨在通过旅行和攀登让参与者感受到外界世界带来的无穷无尽的精神力量,广受大众好评。我想旅行有时候真的能给人带来力量,去年盛夏我跟随中国各地聚集的同龄人自北京出发前往美国,仅仅20天的时间,横跨美国东西海岸,收获了终生难忘的经历和感悟,让我对旅行,对更广阔的世界有了新的认识。我在美国驻沈阳的大使馆办理签证时,拿着资料坐在等候区百无聊赖,欣赏电视上重复播放的介绍片,“Power Food”“Power University”不时闪过的power,简单有力,带着傲气和自信,一下吸引了我。如果你了解美国你就会明白这个词再
Chen Kun has chaired a program entitled “The Power of Walking,” aimed at making participants feel the endless spiritual power brought by the outside world through travel and climbing and is well received by the general public. I really want to travel sometimes give people strength, last summer, I followed the Chinese gathered around their peers from Beijing to the United States, just 20 days across the east and west coasts, gaining a lifetime of unforgettable experience and insights , Let me have a new understanding of travel and the wider world. When I was applying for a visa at the U.S. Embassy in Shenyang, I was sitting in the waiting area full of boredom and admiring the introductory rehearsal on TV, Power Power Power University , With arrogance and confidence, what attracted me. If you understand America you will understand the word again