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  【新目標英语七年级(下) Unit 4 STEP BY STEP
  Section A
  1~5 CEDBA
  1. fight 2. dishes 3. rules
  4. outside 5. strict
  1~5 BADCA 6~8 BBD
  Section B
  1~5 BCACC
  1~5 CDBBD 6~10 CBBCC
  1. strict 2. hair 3. listens
  4. kitchen 5. important 6. learn
  7. practices 8. lucky 9. remember
  10. speak
  Self Check
  1~5 AABBD 6~10 CABAC
  1~5 CDCCB
  【新目标英语七年级(下) Unit 5 STEP BY STEP
  Section A
  1~5 CEDBA
  1. leaves 2. lazy 3. friendly
  4. meat 5. zoo
  1~5 DCBBC 6~8 BAA
  Section B
  1~5 CDBCD
  1~5 BAACB 6~10 CBACB
  1. different 2. tigers 3. eating
  4. baby 5. friendly 6. bananas
  7. kinds 8. back 9. cute
  10. interesting
  Self Check
  1~5 CADBA 6~10 BDCAD
  1~5 CADCA
  【新目标英语七年级(下) Unit 6 STEP BY STEP
  Section A
  1~5 EADBC
  1. clean 2. movie 3. play
  4. wants 5. watch
  1~5 BABDD 6~8 DAC
  Section B
  1~5 CBCAC
  1~5 CABDD 6~10 AABCD
  1. weekends 2. because 3. beautiful/big 4. pandas 5. cute 6. eating 7. pool 8. playing 9. smart 10. other
  Self Check
  1~5 ABAAD 6~10 CBCBC
  1~5 CAABC
  【新目标七年级(下)Unit 4单元要点检测题
  第一部分 听力部分。(共两节,总分25分)
  第一节 听力选择。(共15小题,每小题1分,总分15分)
  Text 1.
  M: Molly, don’t listen to music in the classroom.
  Please follow the school rule.
  W: I’m sorry, Mr. Chen.
  Text 2.
  W: Why are you late, Li Ming?
  M: Sorry, Miss Wang. I’m late for class because I walked to school today.
  Text 3.
  W: Can you go to the cinema after school, Jeff?
  M: No, I can’t. I have to do my homework.
  Text 4.
  W: I have to help my mother with the housework every day. What about you, Mike?
  M: I have to do the dishes every Saturday.   Text 5.
  W: Frank, do you have to wear the school uniform at school?
  M: No, we don’t have to. But we have to wear sports shoes for P.E. class.
  Text 6.
  W: Paul, let’s go to play basketball now.
  M: Sorry, I have to help my mom to make dinner. I can play basketball on weekends.
  W: Oh, what can you do after dinner?
  M: I can watch TV, but I must read a book before watching TV.
  Text 7.
  M: Vera, can you play computer games every night?
  W: No. I can play computer games only on Friday nights. M: What do you have to do now?
  W: I have to clean my bedroom. My bedroom is very dirty.
  Text 8.
  M: Emma, can you eat in the hallways?
  W: Yes, but we can’t eat in the classroom. And we can’t run in the hallways.
  M: When do you usually clean your classroom?
  W: At 5:00 p.m.
  M: Do you have school buses?
  W: Yes, we have two. But I walk to school every day because my home is near our school.
  Text 9.
  W: Why do you arrive late for school, John?
  M: Sorry, Mrs. Brown. I got up late this morning.
  W: But why didn’t you get up early?
  M: I watched a wonderful soccer game and went to bed late last night.
  W: An interesting game?
  M: Yes, Mrs. Brown. It’s very interesting.
  W: But you are a student. You have to go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning. Then you can get to school early. Please don’t be late for school again.
  M: OK. By the way, Mrs. Brown, do you like watching soccer games?
  W: No, but my son likes them. He watched the soccer game last night, too.
  第二節 笔录要点。(共5小题,每小题2分,总分10分)
  Text 10.
  W: Hello, I’m Jenny. There are many rules in my family. I have to get up at 6:30 a.m. Then I have to run with my father. I have to ride my bike to school on weekdays. After school I have to do my homework first. On school nights I can’t watch TV. And I have to play the piano for an hour because my mother thinks I like playing it. But I don’t think so. I’m so tired of playing it every day. I have to go to bed before 10:30 p.m. It’s a tiring day!
  1~5 BCBAB 6~10 CBBAC 11~15 BAABC
  16. Get up 17. Run 18. by bike
  19. an hour 20. 10:30 p.m.
  21~25 ABCBC 26~30 BCABC 31~35 ABAAB   36~40 CBCCA 41~45 CACCB 46~50 CBACC
  51. too many rules
  52. do (his) homework 53. watch TV
  54. make his bed 55. learn the piano
  56. life 57. friends 58. much 59. sports 60. like 61. different
  62. water 63. enjoying 64. ill
  65. must
  书面表达。(One possible version)
  Hello, Laura!Welcome to our school! Now let me tell you some of the rules in our school. We can’t arrive late for school. So you have to get up early if your home is far away from the school. We should say hello to our teachers when we meet them. We must keep quiet in class and we can’t eat food in the classroom. Besides, we can’t listen to music or play games in class. And we must take care of the flowers and grass in the school. Please remember the rules because they are very important to us.
  【新目标七年级(下)Unit 5单元要点检测题
  第一部分 听力部分。(共两节,总分25分)
  第一节 听力选择。(共15小题,每小题1分,总分15分)
  Text 1.
  W: Which animals do you like best, tigers, lions or pandas?
  M: I like tigers best.
  Text 2.
  M: What sports game are you going to watch tomorrow, Laura?
  W: I’m going to watch a football game.
  Text 3.
  W: Is the giraffe from Australia?
  M: No. It’s from South Africa.
  Text 4.
  M: When did you visit the zoo this morning?
  W: We visited the zoo at eight forty.
  Text 5.
  W: Will you go to the park by bus, Paul?
  M: No, I will go there by bike instead.
  Text 6.
  M: Are you the panda keeper in the zoo?
  W: Yes, I am.
  M: What’s the matter with the panda?
  W: It doesn’t want to eat.
  M: Let me have a check. Oh, it isn’t sick. It doesn’t eat because it’s hot these days.
  W: So I will give it some water to drink.
  Text 7.
  W: What animals do you like?
  M: I like monkeys.
  W: Why do you like monkeys?
  M: Because they are clever. How about you?
  W: I like dogs because they are friendly and smart.
  M: I like dogs, too. Some dogs can count numbers.
  W: Yes, I saw some dogs count numbers in a circus last week.
  Text 8.
  M: Did you see my cat Kitty, Mom?
  W: No, I didn’t. What’s the matter, John?
  M: My cat is lost.
  W: Maybe it’s under your bed.   M: No, I was looking for it but I didn’t find it under my bed.
  W: Perhaps in your sister’s bedroom.
  M: No, it’s not there.
  W: Listen, Kitty is in our neighbor’s house.
  M: Yes, Kitty likes eating fish. Mr. Smith bought some fish today. I must take it back home right now.
  W: Yes, do it now.
  Text 9.
  W: Do you know how to take care of pets?
  M: Yes, I do.
  W: Do you have any experiences? How long have you had the similar job?
  M: For two years. I was a vet in a pet hospital in our town.
  W: Really? It sounds good. How do you know I need a vet?
  M: I saw it in a newspaper this morning.
  W: So you find here according to the address?
  M: Yes. I know how to feed different pets and take care of them.
  W: Good. Can you come to work tomorrow morning?
  M: Yes, of course. Thank you very much.
  第二节 笔录要点。(共5小题,每小题2分,总分10分)
  Text 10.
  M/W: Mary is a ten■year■old girl. She goes to school from Monday to Friday. Every morning she gets up early at six o’clock. After breakfast she goes to school with her dog Mike. But his teacher Mr. Wong doesn’t let Mike come into the classroom. Mike always follows her. “Go back and wait for me at home.” Then her dog goes out of the classroom. When school is over, Mary comes out from school. Mike is waiting for her at the school gate. How clever the dog is!
  1~5 CBCAB 6~10 ACBCB 11~15 BABCA
  16. six o’clock/6:00 17. dog
  18. the classroom 19. over 20. clever
  21~25 AAACC 26~30 ACCBA 31~35 CABAB
  36~40 BACCA 41~45 CAABA 46~50 ACCAB
  51. boring 52. relaxing 53. healthy
  54. luck 55. strict 56. carry
  57. enough 58. help 59. good
  60. walk 61. draw 62. friends
  63. danger 64. move 65. family
  書面表达。(One possible version)
  Do you like animals? What kind of animals do you like best? My favorite animal is a giraffe. Last weekend I visited the zoo with my family. We saw a giraffe from Africa. Her name is Katie. She is so beautiful that many visitors came to see her. The zoo keeper told me she is five years old now. She eats grass and leaves. Her neck is so long that she can reach the top of the tree. I like her very much. And I took many photos of her and we had a pleasant day.
  【新目标七年级(下)Unit 6单元要点检测题
  听力材料及参考答案】   听力材料:
  第一部分 听力部分。(共两节,总分25分)
  第一节 听力选择。(共15小题,每小题1分,总分15分)
  Text 1.
  W: Hi, Zhang Ming. Shall we watch the Dragon Boat Race tomorrow morning?
  M: Yes, I’d love to. Let’s watch it together.
  Text 2.
  M: Is your sister listening to music?
  W: No, she is drinking milk now.
  Text 3.
  M: Could you go swimming with me this Saturday?
  W: Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I will visit my cousin.
  Text 4.
  W: Did you read the story book last weekend?
  M: No, I read it the day before yesterday.
  Text 5.
  W: Your mobile phone looks beautiful.
  M: It’s not mine. It’s my uncle John’s.
  Text 6.
  W: Hi, Tom. What are you doing?
  M: I am cleaning the car for my mother.
  W: Where is your mother?
  M: She is going shopping.
  W: When did she go?
  M: At nine o’clock.
  W: What will your mother buy for you?
  M: She will buy me a new schoolbag.
  Text 7.
  W: What do you usually do on weekends, Peter?
  M: On Saturday morning I often do my homework. On Saturday afternoon I watch a cartoon film.
  W: What do you do on Sunday?
  M: I often visit my grandparents with my parents.
  W: Do you help your mother with housework?
  M: Yes, I do. I sometimes clean the floor on Saturday evening.
  W: Shall we go skating this Saturday afternoon?
  M: I’d like to. But I have to buy a dictionary for my sister Cindy before that.
  Text 8.
  M: What day is it today, Mary?
  W: It’s Friday.
  M: When will the teacher-parent meeting start at school?
  W: It starts at seven this evening.
  M: What shall we take to school for Jack?
  W: His paintings and photos.
  M: Are the photos of doing housework?
  W: Yes. Mr. Smith says he will see how children do housework at home.
  M: It sounds interesting. Good. Can we go now?
  W: Too early. It’s six now. It takes us only twenty minutes to get to school.
  Text 9.
  M: I’m coming back, Mom.
  W: Hi, Peter. Where is your sister Janet?
  M: She is in the teacher’s office.
  W: Why? Did she do something wrong?
  M: No. Mr. Kenny asks her to help younger children with reading stories.   W: It sounds good. Why do you come back so early today, Peter?
  M: We have no class this afternoon. And there will be a volleyball game between my class and Class 3. You know I don’t like playing volleyball. So I come home earlier.
  W: You should exercise and try to like it. It’s good for your health.
  M: I know, Mom. If it is a football game, I will be the last to leave.
  第二节 笔录要点。(共5小题,每小题2分,总分10分)
  Text 10.
  M/W: Here is a picture of my family. From the picture, you can see that we are all at home. I am watching a movie. My brother John is doing his homework. My father is a science teacher. He is reading a book about the UFO. My mother is a clerk in a bookstore. She is cleaning the floor. What are my grandparents doing? They are reading newspapers. They are sitting on the sofa and reading it with interest. What a warm and happy family and what a nice picture it is!
  1~5 ABCAB 6~10 BBCBA 11~15 CCAAB
  16. homework 17. watching a movie
  18. reading a book 19. floor
  20. newspapers
  21~25 BBACA 26~30 BCCBA 31~35 ACBCA 36~40 BABAA 41~45 ABABA 46~50 CAABC
  51. What; color 52. Does; want 53. Those; are
  54. How; much 55. he; isn’t
  56. late 57. children 58. breakfast
  59. supermarket 60. bedroom 61. reading
  62. basketball 63. park 64. football 65. like
  书面表达。(One possible version)
  Hi, Lucy!Everyone in my family is busy now. My father likes soccer, and he is watching a soccer game on TV. He thinks it is very interesting. My mother is good at cooking, and she is cooking dinner for my family. I’m reading a comic book in my bedroom. You know, I like reading comic books very much. And my two sisters are doing their homework in their rooms. So what about you?
本期点评名师  陈传光 男,中学高级教师,江苏省连云港市罗阳中学,从事教育教学工作近二十年。江苏省教育学会会员,连云港市优秀教育园丁,赣榆区优秀班主任。有多篇论文在各杂志期刊上发表并获奖。曾获全国中学生新课程英语语言能力竞赛优秀辅导教师一等奖。  Hello, my name is Zhu Jinxing. I am 13 years old. I come from Lianyungang. N
摘要:高效课堂的高效体现在学习效益上,如何让学习高效主要取决于老师对问题的预设和课堂探究的掌控。本文就高效课堂结构的核心——设疑与探究过程中的“要”与“不要”作一阐述,以期真正改进课堂教学行为,提升教学质量。  关键词:新课程;课堂教学;设疑;探究;策略  文章编号:1008-0546(2010)11-0005-02 中图分类号:C632.41 文献标识码:Bdoi:10.3969/j.issn.
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摘要:文章以《酚的性质和应用》为载体,对同课异构活动进行研讨,着重讨论高中化学实验创新优化的研究。  关键词:苯酚;化学实验;创新优化  文章编号:1008-0546(2013)04-029-03 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  2012年10月,我县围绕市级课题《基于高中化学实验创新优化的实验教学有效性研究》,开展了《酚的性质和应用》的同课异构活动,进行高中化学实验创新优化教学研讨。