
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Rita519
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作者自1979年起用纤维内窥镜检查耳鼻咽喉肿瘤病例105例(年龄34~67岁)、148次。检查空腹进行,除鼻、鼻咽和口咽部患者外,均于术前30分钟给如下药物:0.1%硫酸阿托品,1%苯海拉明,2%普罗梅多尔各1ml。用5%可卡因或2%地卡因溶液麻醉粘膜,除病情需卧位的食管病例外均采坐位检查。纤维内窥镜经鼻腔、口腔或气管切开口送入。纤维内窥镜检查目的为:(1)确定诊断。喉癌47例,鼻咽肿瘤8例,否定了8例的肿瘤诊断。(2)确定病变部位,计划手术范围。Ⅰ期喉癌19例:声带切除术8例,喉前侧切除术11例;会厌喉面癌18例中距前联合10mm以上者6例,达前联合者12例,分别施行了标准水平半喉切除术和较广泛的水平半喉切除术;9例喉中、下部癌经检查后能较准确地判定其扩展范围。纤维喉镜检查资料与手术所见比较,90%病例的结果相一致。(3)术后观察、治疗。19例Ⅰ期喉癌手术后一年纤维喉镜检查无复发;广泛咽、喉、食管手术后又有食管梗阻者中3例肿瘤 From 1979, the authors used fiberoptic endoscopy to examine 105 cases of otolaryngologic tumors (aged 34-67 years) and 148 times. Exams were performed on an empty stomach, and the following drugs were given 30 minutes before surgery in addition to the nasal, nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal patients: 0.1% atropine sulphate, 1% diphenhydramine, and 1 ml each of 2% promethod. The mucosa was anesthetized with 5% cocaine or 2% solution of tetracaine. The seats were examined except for esophageal cases in which the patient was decubitus. Fiberscopes are delivered through the nasal cavity, mouth or tracheostomy. The purpose of fiber endoscopy is: (1) confirm the diagnosis. There were 47 cases of laryngeal carcinoma and 8 cases of nasopharyngeal neoplasms. The diagnosis of 8 cases was denied. (2) Determine the location of the lesion and plan the range of surgery. Stage I laryngeal cancer in 19 cases: vocal cord resection in 8 cases, laryngectomy 11 cases; epiglottic laryngeal cancer in 18 cases in the joint anterior 10mm or more in 6 cases, anterior combined in 12 cases, respectively, the implementation of the standard level of half Laryngectomy and extensive horizontal hemi laryngectomy were performed. Nine cases of cancer of the middle and lower larynx were able to determine the extent of their expansion more accurately. Fiberoptic laryngoscopy data were comparable to those seen in surgery, and the results were consistent in 90% of cases. (3) Postoperative observation and treatment. Nineteen patients with stage I laryngeal carcinoma undergoing fiberoptic laryngoscopy for one year without recurrence; 3 patients with esophageal obstruction after extensive pharynx, larynx, and esophageal surgery
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