
来源 :档案学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:catbull
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世界舆论公认,国家档案是国家存在的必不可少的证件,是一个国家和民族的历史文化遗产。一些国际组织,曾为档案的保护、归属和继承问题举行过多次会议,形成了宣言、决议、建议书、呼吁书等一系列国际性文件。其中,联合国教科文组织1954年在海牙通过的《关于发生武装冲突时保护文化财产的公约》(下简称《海牙公约》)、1970年在巴黎通过的《关于采取措施禁止并防止文化财产非法进出口和所有权非法转让公约》(下简称《巴黎公约》)和联合国大会1983年在维也纳通过的《关于国家对国家财产、档案和债务继承的公约》(下简称《维也纳公约》),常被许多国家在国际社会中处理档案问题时,作为法律和道义上的依据。了解和研究国际上涉及档案问题的公法,对加强我国档案法学理论建设是有益的。这是本文力求分析和介绍三个国际公约的本意。 The public opinion in the world acknowledges that the national archives are an indispensable document for the existence of the country and are the historical and cultural heritage of a country and a nation. Some international organizations have held many meetings on the protection, vesting and inheritance of archives and formed a series of international documents such as declarations, resolutions, proposals and appeals. Among them, the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (Hague Convention) adopted in 1954 at The Hague, adopted in Paris in 1970, “Measures on Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Importation of Cultural Property (Convention on the State’s Control of State Property, Files and Debts) (hereinafter referred to as ”the Vienna Convention") adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in Vienna in 1983 and adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in Vienna in 1983 When the state deals with archives in the international community, it serves as the legal and moral basis. To understand and study the public law concerning archives in the world is beneficial to strengthening the theoretical construction of archives jurisprudence in our country. This is the intention of this article to analyze and introduce the three international conventions.
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