洪涝灾害是低洼地区工农业生产的一大威胁,也是许多地方至今尚未解决的一大难题。江苏省建湖县庆丰镇东、西南圩区,含19个村135个村民小组2.7万人口,耕地3.2万亩,地面真高不足1.5米,1989年以来,将原先“各自为政”的8个小圩区联并成两个大圩区,实行联圩抗洪,联圩统排,走出了一条“低投入、抗大涝、高效益”的科学治水之路。 1、建网络,协调运转。为保证各项措施落实到位,他们首先抓好网络建设。一是成立由分管农业的副镇长、圩内各村主任及圩管所有关人员组成的圩区管理
Floods and disasters are a major threat to the industrial and agricultural production in the low-lying areas and are still a major unsolved problem in many places. Jianhu County, Jiangsu Province, Qingfeng town east and southwest polders, including 19 villages 135 villagers group 27000 population, 32000 acres of arable land, the ground is less than 1.5 meters high, since 1989, the original “fragmented” 8 Small polder area merged into two large polder area, the implementation of joint polluting flood, the polder system row, out of a “low investment, anti-flood, high efficiency,” the science of water. 1, build network, coordinate operation. In order to ensure that all the measures are in place, they first focus on network construction. First, the establishment of the vice mayor in charge of agriculture, Wei within the village director and the general manager of the polder area polder management