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速读的重要性一、速读是“三个面向”的需要。教育要面向我国的现代化,就要面向世界经济与社会发展的“大趋势”。当代世界各发达国家现代化的一个重要特征,就是知识化、信息化。一方面,智力劳动的水平越来越高,并且越来越多地取代体力劳动。信息已成为人们赖以生存的重要资源,“要有效地生活,就要有足够的信息”(维纳语)。另一方面,信息量又在爆炸式地增长,知识更新的过程越来越快。为适应今日世界的发展形势,培养学生快速获取信息的速读能力,具有非常迫切的意义。二、速读是人类阅读活动的主体。阅读依据其不同的目的,有人作了如下分类:探测性阅读,理 The importance of speed reading First, speed reading is the “three-oriented” needs. Education must face the modernization of our country and must face the “big trend” of world economic and social development. An important feature of the modernization of the developed countries in the contemporary world is knowledge and information. On the one hand, the level of intellectual labor is getting higher and higher and it is increasingly replacing manual labor. Information has become an important resource for people to live on. “To live effectively, we must have enough information” (Wiener). On the other hand, the amount of information has grown exponentially, and the process of updating knowledge has become faster and faster. In order to adapt to the development situation of today’s world, it is very urgent to cultivate students’ ability to quickly acquire information. Second, speed reading is the main body of human reading activities. Reading was based on its different purposes. Someone made the following classification: Exploratory Reading, Reasoning
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通过建设项目档案收集的实践,阐述了建设项目档案收集管理的特点、重要性、档案的收集范围和收集方法,对建设项目档案收集管理工作具有一定的参考作用。 Through the practi
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现在,我在西藏。我终于到达了一个前所未有的高度。我认为这是一个离天堂更近了的地方。有风吹过,没有像南宁那样的南方那些树木和花草撩起的那种喧哗,只有心底的忧郁 Now,
朋友在纽约上学,有一次就餐时,他不小心弄丢了从国内带去的手表,买时花了人民币200多元,约合20多美元。他在教学楼的墙上贴了一张寻物启事。 When a friend went to school