有人说这是个怀旧的季节,参加同学会,收集经典的老唱片,欣赏有旗袍的《花样年华》……时空的距离,带给我们不可名状的复杂心绪。走在坚实的柏油马路上,我们也许会突然猜想,一百年前,谁走在这里?他们穿什么样的衣服?有什么样的心情?一百年前的太原城是幅什么样的场景?当我们渴望了解自己生长的这座城市时,老相册为我们打开了一扇通向往昔岁月的窗。 轻轻拂去历史的尘埃,窗口的画面活动起来。我似乎看到了爷爷的爷爷曾经拥有的生活,那条窄窄的街道兴许就是他们和玩伴追逐的“战场,街转角也许就有他们每天光顾的小吃摊,城门外的牧羊人常常就和他们擦肩而过,挤挤挨挨的学生中就有他们灿烂的笑脸…… 岁月之河荡去了许多东西,历史因此变得斑斑驳驳,就让我们透过这扇斑驳的影像之窗,探望一百年前的太原城,注视那些爱过、笑过、生活过的“老太原”,追忆那些生动的生活片段。
Some people say that this is a nostalgic season, attend classmates, collect classic old records, enjoy the “Mood for Love” with cheongsam ... ... the distance between time and space, give us unspeakable complex mood. Walking on a solid asphalt road, we may suddenly guess that one hundred years ago, who walked here? What kind of clothes they wear? What kind of mood? A hundred years ago, what kind of scene is Taiyuan City When we long to know the city we grew up in, the old album opens up a window to us. Gently brush the dust of history, the window screen activities up. I seem to see the grandfather had grandfather had life, the narrow streets perhaps is that they chase and playmates battlefield, street corner may have their daily patronage of food stalls, shepherds outside the city often and They pass their shoulders and crowded students have their bright smile. The years of the river have gone so much that history has become so mottled that we can see through this mottled image window , Visit the city of Taiyuan a hundred years ago, look at those who loved, laughed, live the “old Taiyuan,” recall those vivid life fragments.