
来源 :中国监察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdngam
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中国海关,作为国家进出境监督管理机关,承担着进出境监管、征税、查缉走私等重要任务,具有行政执法权和部分刑事执法权。站在国门口,手握执法权,海关人长期处在金钱、名利、职权以及亲情、友情、人情等风险和考验的风口浪尖。对此,海关总署党组以高度的政治警觉,确定海关反腐倡廉工作“一条主线、四个同步”的思路,即以防范执法风险、管理风险和廉政风险为主线,同步谋划党风廉政建设和业务建设,同步推进惩治腐败和预防腐败,同步开展反腐败和反走私斗争,同步落实党风廉政建设责任制和行政执法责任。 As a state administration of entry and exit, China Customs takes on such important tasks as the supervision of entry and exit, the collection of taxes, and the investigation of smuggling. It has the power of administrative enforcement and part of the criminal law enforcement. Standing on the front of the country and holding the power of law enforcement, the customs people have long been at the forefront of the risks and tests of money, fame and fortune, and their relatives, friendships and human relations. In this regard, the General Administration of Customs Party with a high degree of political vigilance, to determine the work of the Customs anti-corruption work “one main line, four synchronization ” train of thought that to prevent law enforcement risk, management risk and integrity risk as the main line, simultaneous planning party style Clean government and business building, simultaneously promote punishing corruption and preventing corruption, simultaneously carry out anti-corruption and anti-smuggling struggles, and simultaneously implement the responsibility system and the responsibility of administrative law enforcement for the building of a clean and honest government.
<正> 结核病在临床上是较常见的疾病,由结核引起的超敏反应性疾病中,有眼部损害者并不罕见。本文就笔者诊治的结核超敏反应性眼炎18例,回顾分析如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资
本文旨在研究季度盈利模型的预测能力,并将季度盈利模型估计下的年度盈利预测与年度盈利模型估计下的年度盈利预测相比较。经研究分析发现Seasonal Martingale是预测能力较好