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球形芽孢杆菌BS-10(Bacillus Sphaericus-10)是蚊幼虫的一种病原体,对库蚊等蚊幼虫具有极高的毒杀作用。1982年从江苏扬州市郊区孳生地分离到,经鉴定属血清5_a5b型,其生理生化特性与世界卫生组织(WHO)推荐的1593、2362菌株相似,但其毒力比1593菌株高1.78—3.2倍,比2362的发酵毒力提高1.79倍。BS-10的杀蚊毒素蛋白的分子量为45KD,主要分布于孢子囊、芽孢壁内,并有菱形的伴孢晶体毒素。当蚊幼吞食一定数量的芽孢后即中毒死亡,吞食数与死亡速度成正相关。最快6h可毒杀,但蚊幼的龄期越小越敏感。它的杀蚊谱为:淡色库蚊>致乏库蚊>凶小库蚊>三带喙库蚊>中华按蚊>埃及伊蚊。BS-10灭幼剂使用量为每m~2投药3~5ml,24h蚊幼死亡率为80%左右,48h为95~100%;随着用药量增加,持效期延长,一般为15~25天。BS-10对人畜、禽及水生生物安全无毒,不污染环境。 Bacillus sphaericus-10 (Bacillus sphaericus-10) is a kind of pathogen of mosquito larvae and has extremely high toxicity to mosquito larvae such as Culex. In 1982, it was isolated from the breeding ground in suburbs of Yangzhou City of Jiangsu Province and was identified as serotype 5_a5b. Its physiological and biochemical characteristics were similar to the 1593,2362 strains recommended by World Health Organization (WHO), but its virulence was 1.78-3.2 times higher than that of 1593 , Which is 1.79 times higher than that of 2362. BS-10 mosquito toxin protein molecular weight of 45KD, mainly distributed in the sporangia, spore wall, and diamond-shaped parasitic cone toxin. When the mosquito swallowed a certain amount of spores after poisoning and death, the number of swallowed and death rate is positively correlated. The fastest 6h can be poisoned, but the mosquito younger age more sensitive. Its mosquito spectrum is: Culex pipiens> Culex pipiens> Cucurbit mosquitoes> Culex triticinae> Anopheles sinensis> Aedes aegypti. The dosage of the BS-10 inoculant is 3 ~ 5ml per m ~ 2, the mosquito larvae mortality rate is about 80% in 24h and 95 ~ 100% in 48h. With the increase of the dosage, the persistence period is prolonged, 25 days. BS-10 is safe and safe to human beings, birds and aquatic organisms and does not pollute the environment.
目的:应用规律间隔成簇短回文重复序列及其相关核酸酶9系统(CRISPR/Cas9)体外实验研究修正威尔森氏症(WD)基因。方法:选用来源于DL近交系小鼠的Toxic milk小鼠(购自美国Jacks
据《英国外科学杂志》(第75卷)报道,尼日利亚的外科医生用蜂蜜医治伤口获得成功。医治的对象主要为那些用常规医疗手段效果不佳的烧伤、褥疮和溃疡。由于蜂蜜有 According