
来源 :邮电企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:spring2011
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(一) 邮电实行市管县的新体制,是在江苏、辽宁两省局试点的基础上,自1983年1月在全国推行的,到1987年6月底,全国邮电实行市管县体制的市(含地、州、盟)局已达270个,所辖县局共1801个,分别占市、县局总数的90.3%和88.8%。实践证明:邮电实行市管县的新体制具有很多优越性,有利于减少省局的事务性工作和解决管理上的鞭长莫及,有利于市、县司的通信协调统一,有利于发挥市局优势和带动县局工作,有利于精简机构和管理人员。但是由十缺乏经验和改革进展较快,邮电市管县体制还存在不少问题,主要是: (1) The new system of administering prefectures and counties in post and telecommunications is implemented on a pilot basis in Jiangsu and Liaoning provinces and autonomous regions since January 1983, and by the end of June 1987, the nationwide post and telecommunications administration system of cities and counties has been implemented (Including prefecture, state, alliance) Bureau has reached 270, under the jurisdiction of a total of 1801 counties, accounting for 90.3% of the total counties and counties, and 88.8%. Practice has proved that the implementation of the new system of municipal management in post and telecommunications has many advantages, which is conducive to reducing the bureaucratic work and solving the management problems beyond the reach of the municipal and county departments, and is conducive to giving play to the advantages of the municipal bureau and Promote county work, help to streamline institutions and management personnel. However, due to the ten lack of experience and the rapid progress of reform, there are still many problems in the system of administering the posts and telecommunications in the postal city. The major problems are:
编者按  北京市海淀区中关村第一小学在总结多年“自主教育”育人模式和“新学堂自主教学”探索的基础上,进行了低年级融合课程实践探索。它以国家课程标准为依据,以学生的经验世界为依托,关注学生发展阶段,完善幼小衔接;基于学生发展需要,着重培养基本的学习兴趣、能力和品质,奠定未来学习和生活的基础;打破学科壁垒,通过教学目标与内容的融合、教材的融合、教师教研与教学方式的融合等实现学科的统整与融合,为学生创设
自从1793年意大利学者L.Spallanzani氏在研究蝙蝠之特性时发现超声波现象后,1899年Konig氏用很小的音叉成功地获得了约90千周之超声波以后很多学者(如M.Laugevin J.Curie P.
The Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine (HKCEM)will celebrate its 10~(th) anniversary in October 2006.There is certainly a much longer period of development