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编者的话:本期刊出广州民航职业技术学院两位同学的调查研讨报告,也许并不很成熟,但却是两位同学认真调查,细致分析的成果。编辑部发表这两篇文章,目的是希望同学们多接触社会,多接触实际,将所学的知识、掌握的技能在实践中充分运用。同时编辑部希望,我们的学生园地不仅是同学们交流思想的栏目,更应成为同学们施展才华的栏目。 Editor’s Note: This issue of Guangzhou Civil Aviation Vocational and Technical College two students survey report, may not be very mature, but it is two students a careful investigation, detailed analysis of the results. The editorial department publishes these two articles with the purpose of hoping the students will get in touch with the society and make more use of the knowledge and skills they have learned in practice. At the same time, the editorial department hopes that our students ’campus will not only be a part of the exchange of ideas among students, but also be a part of their classmates’ talents.
本刊讯 7月13日上午,渭南市教育局党组书记、局长党福奎来到渭南电大分校调研教育教学工作。教育局人秘科科长刘红兵陪同调研。
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