一、双边贸易发展迅速 西班牙是最早同中国接触的西方国家之一。据历史记载,西班牙人于1572年开始与中国通商。1973年3月9日,中国同西班牙建立了外交关系,两国贸易关系也随之有了长足的发展。建交第二年,双边贸易额从200万美元猛增至1947万美元。随着中国实行对外开放政策,两国贸易发展进入了新阶段。1979年中西贸易额突破了1亿美元。据我海关统计,1993年,中西贸易总
First, the rapid development of bilateral trade Spain is one of the first Western countries to contact with China. According to historical records, the Spanish began to trade with China in 1572. On March 9, 1973, China established diplomatic relations with Spain. As a result, the trade relations between the two countries have also made great strides. In the second year after the establishment of diplomatic relations, bilateral trade volume soared from 2 million U.S. dollars to 19.47 million U.S. dollars. With China’s opening-up policy, the trade between the two countries has entered a new phase. In 1979, the volume of trade between China and the West exceeded 100 million U.S. dollars. According to my customs statistics, in 1993, the total trade between China and the West