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批准文号制表单位报表名称表号报送范围执行期限京劳社医保统1表京劳社医保统2表京劳社医保统3表房基01表京统办发[2002]86号京统函[2002]71号北京市劳动和社会保障局北京市房区统计局基本医疗保险医药费支出情况企业主要经济指标各区县医疗保险经办机构区内企业批准文号制 Approval number tabulation unit report name table number submitted to the scope of the implementation deadline Beijing labor social security system 1 table Beijing labor social security system 2 table Beijing labor social security system 3 table room base 01 table Beijing Office Office [2002] 86 Beijing State Department [2002] No.71 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Labor and Social Security, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Fundamental Medical Insurance Expenses of Medical Expenses Key Economic Indicators of Enterprises in Various Regions Medical Insurance Authorities of Districts and Counties Business Registration No.
产前胎儿结构分析可以让我们知道胎龄及胎儿的生长情况。本文的目的是研究土耳其人胎儿期上下肢的形态结构 ,以获得形态测定值 ,确定顶臀长度与足发育情况之间的关系。在 1 0
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八肽胆囊收缩素对大鼠心功能的影响及其受体机制 Effect of cholecystokinin octapeptide on cardiac function in rats and its receptor mechanism
Aim: To compare the recovery rate of morphologically normal and chromatin condensed spermatozoa from native se-men samples using the SpermPrep~(TM) filtration
This study was designed to detect the effects of fibronectin (FN) and leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) on matrix metallopoteinases (MMPs) of mouse blastocysts.
在欧洲,当你踏上地铁的自动电梯,随着自动排成一行的乘客 徐徐而下的时候;当你漫步街头,走进一个街心公园的时候, 常常会听到乐声从地下从远方传来迎接你。这不是扩音器里播放的音