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陈新王卉著人民出版社出版定价:26.00元2013年4月20日8时零2分,四川省雅安市芦山县、天全县交界处又发生了7.0级的大地震。房毁屋塌,人亡人伤,断肠之痛,震得中华泪雨纷飞。地震是可怕的,因为地震就意味着撕裂。在这种撕裂中,一个个如花的生命,在挣扎,在凋谢,在涅槃,在重生。地震无情,人间有爱。就在全国人民的爱心涌向雅安灾区人民的同时,人民出版社在强烈的责任感驱使下,第一时间精心策划、编辑了一本记录芦山地震大爱的书,并在芦山地震发生后一个月出版该书,并向全国各地新华书店推出。这本书便是《爱,与你同在——芦山地震中的感动》。这是一本气壮山河、坚强不屈的书,也是一本能让人产生锤击心灵的爱与感动的书。 Chen Xin Wang Hui People’s Publishing House Price: 26.00 yuan 20 April 2013 At 08:02, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurred at the junction of Lushan County and Tianquan County in Ya’an City, Sichuan Province. Housing destruction of housing collapse, deaths and injuries, heartbroken pain, shock China tears fly. Earthquakes are terrible because earthquakes mean tearing. In this rip, one by one flowering life, struggling, withered, in Nirvana, in rebirth. Earthquake ruthless, human love. At the same time that the love of the people throughout the country flocked to the people in the disaster-hit areas in Ya’an, People’s Publishing House, under the impetus of a strong sense of responsibility, first planned and edited a book recording the great love of the Lushan earthquake and a month after the Lushan earthquake Published the book, and launched to Xinhua Bookstore throughout the country. This book is “Love, with you - Lushan earthquake moved.” This is a magnificent, unyielding book, but also a book that gives people a heartbreaking love and touching.
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选择题 本大题共 12小题 ,每小题 5分 ,共 6 0分 .在每小题给出的四个选项中 ,只有一项是符合题目要求的 .1 若a =sin2 8° ,b =cos2 8° ,c=tg2 8°,则 (   )(A)a b c .   (B)a c b .(C)c a
拜读袁学骏洋洋洒洒45万言的著作《文艺科学发展论》(花山文艺出版社2012年5月版)时,面对具有如此丰富学术贡献的著作,感触也很丰富,择其要者三,记之如左。  其一,我以为,该作最引人注目的贡献是将马克思主义中国化的最新成果——“科学发展观”充分运用到了对文艺发展的理论思考之中,即用“科学发展观”来指导对文艺规律、文艺发展、文艺历史等的探讨,并进而提出了“文艺科学发展”概念。对于已跨越温饱、初步达
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