
来源 :军队党的生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsy999
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党的十八大着眼夯实党的基层组织基础对健全创先争优长效机制提出了要求。总结近年来创先争优活动经验,结合基层党建实际,推进部队创先争优常态化长效化要着力抓好以下七个方面。一、加强组织领导。要坚持把创先争优作为新形势下加强基层党的建设的一项经常性工作摆到重要位置,努力形成全员、全面、全时创先争优的生动局面。一是深化思想认识。要认真学习贯彻党中央、中央军委关于推进创先争优常态化长效化指示要求,充分认识创先争优对激发基层党建和部队建设生机活力的重要作用,切实增强围绕听党指挥、能打胜仗、作风优良进行创先争优的政治责任感。要结合研究部署年度工作深入统一 The 18th National Congress of the CPC set the groundwork for consolidating the grassroots organizational foundation of the party and set forth the requirements for a sound and long-term mechanism of sound excellence. Summarizing the experience of creating excellent activities in recent years and combining with the actual situation of party building at the grass-roots level, we should focus our efforts on the following seven aspects in advancing the normalization and long-term efforts of our troops in creating superiority and superiority. First, strengthen organizational leadership. We must continue to give top priority to excellence as a regular task of strengthening grassroots party building in the new situation and strive to create a vivid picture of fullness, all-round and full-time excellence. First, to deepen the ideological understanding. We must conscientiously study and implement the requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the CMC on the requirements of promoting the normalization and long-term orientation of preconceptions, fully understand the important role played by the prerogatives in stimulating the vitality of party building and army building in the grassroots units, Victory in battle, excellent style of excellence to create a good political sense of responsibility. It is necessary to integrate the work of research and deployment in an in-depth manner
In this paper,the stability and stabilization problems of a class of networked control systems(NCSs) with bounded packet dropout are investigated.An iterative a
为准确描述我国最大的固定/半固定沙漠—古尔班通古特沙漠区域的大气边界层结构,利用该沙漠腹地2017年的梯度铁塔和通量观测数据,基于中尺度气象模式WRF(Weather Research an
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